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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Mobotix con TTCS y Niceware participan en el simulacro de rescate de las playas de Muro

Mobotix With TTCS and Niceware participate in the simulation of rescue of the beaches of Wall


11 November 2013

The simulation consisted in rescuing first to two suppositions injured grave...
The simulation consisted in rescuing first to two suppositions injured grave, that had fallen to the water to the desengancharse the parachute dragged by a launch in which they went.

Mobotix, the greater world-wide manufacturer of systems in network of videovigilancia of cameras megapíxeles, has been the manufacturer chosen to carry out the recording of a simulation of rescue realizar by the Area of Coordination of hygiene of Beaches of the City council of Wall in the Beach of Wall (Mallorca).

By third consecutive year, celebrated this exercise-simulation and as in the previous editions, the Group TTCS and Niceware have installed 14 cameras of video surveillance of high resolution of Mobotix, monitored in carp with 4 screens of big dimensions, attracting in direct and storing all the images of the simulation, for his back analysis and evaluation of the performance of the distinct equipment, the correct application of the protocols and like this improve the hygiene of the Beaches of Wall.

The aim of this multiple simulation has been, in addition to serving like general essay, that the participants can evaluate his performance and improve the weak points of the same a posteriori. For this has had TTCS, S.L., local company of installation and maintenance of Cameras of hygiene, And with Niceware, company of solutions of computer systems, applications of software and solutions of surveillance of high resolution in photo and video.

The simulation consisted in rescuing first to two suppositions injured grave, that had fallen to the water to the desengancharse the parachute dragged by a launch in which they went. While they were rescued and revived appeared a fictitious plague of jellyfishes in the bank. Had to check if they were exemplary protected and afterwards proceeded to his transfer to the suitable place. Shortly after, the simulation continued with another supposed bañista in difficulties to 150 metres of the beach and simulated that the aquatic motorbike that went in his research had damaged . Thus this rescue had to realizar to swim.

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