
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Alto rendimiento con la inyectora Romi Sandretto EL

High performance with the inyectora Romi Sandretto THE


The Romi Sandretto THE, line of machines of high performance, totally electrical is ecological, reliable, fast and precise, and his movements are of accionamiento electrical. With his high technology and the use of servomotors, the team provides an energetic saving until of 60% and, according to the model of the machine, the saving can arrive to 80%.

Repetitividad And upper precision: the Romi Sandretto THE guarantees the certainty centesimal of all the movements through servomotors with system codificador optical and the use of linear guides. The repetitividad of the mass injected, is of around + / - 0,075%. This series has control of simultaneous movement and offers an easy handle of the mobile components. The technology associated provides a better productivity and attains cycles until 25% shorter and less variation of the weight of the pieces injected.

Through this system, the area of the mould is free of pollution by oil, ideal for clean room, few mobile components and an important energetic efficiency associated to movements of high precision. This line offers high capacity of plastification and all the movements in enclosed circuit. His broadcast of noise is drop, near of 60 dB and delivery to the generation of heating 80% less in his surroundings. This concept of accionamiento for machines of moldeo by injection is a revolutionary system.

Comments on article / news piece

#4 -
15/12/2013 18:06:46
Buenos dias Quería saber el precio de la maquina y si tienen de segundamano muchas gracias espero noticias
#3 - Rafael
22/10/2013 11:52:26
Para saber el precio llamar al telefono 93.719.49.26
#2 - Sr. Juan Ruben Juarez
03/10/2013 21:55:02
Hola, donde puedo encontrar los precios de las maquinas?
#1 - Sr. Juan Pulgar
26/09/2013 15:32:56
Hola quisiera saber el precio

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