
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Mo-di-tec, Dr. Boy y Nova Frigo completan la presencia de Centrotécnica en la K 2013

Mo-Say-tec, Dr. Boy and Nova Frigo complete the presence of Centrotécnica in the K 2013


Mo-Say-tec (Hall 10, D39)

Mo-Say-tec presents his renewed range of equipment, in which it stands out the ease to displace the motoreductor, on some columns, to separate it of the rotor of cutting and deste way facilitate even more if it fits the tasks of cleaning and maintenance.

The trituradores of the range Goliath Plus and Titán keep all the advantages of the slow speed, the trituración of thermoplastic without warming of the material (there are not frictions), little noise, without dust and ínfimo wear by the speed of cut reduced (25 rpm). All this generates a triturado uniform and of quality that allows to increase the percentages of recycled, with a bajísimo energetic consumption in a team that hardly precise of maintenance. The amortización is 4 faster times that the one of a conventional mill. Besides, Mo-say-tec offers like option the system ABS (antibloqueo), that allows to work with the full hopper and even stop the team with the camera of trituración full of coladas and/or pieces and start again, and the exclusive system I.M.D of detection of metals in camera of cut, to avoid breaks and failures in case that a metallic piece fall accidentally in the triturador, that detains in tenth of second and avoids also the pollution of the systems of feeding of material and the failure of groups of plastification and moulds.

Dr. Boy (Hall 13, To43)

From 1968 Dr. Boy has supplied more than 40.000 inyectoras and following with the high standards of quality and provision presents the last generation of inyectoras. The machines Boy of the series And characterise by the employment of a servomotor for an optimum management d ela power and reduce drasticamente the electrical consumptions. The use of the conventional hydraulics technology applied to a system of management advanced and the design of all the group of movements, puts to the machines Boy by in front of the electromechanical machines (all electrical) regarding provision and consumptions reduced, in addition to having an inferior cost.

A lower installed power, lower initial cost and of the spare, lower wear of the components and with results of energetic saving of until 50%, a greater precision and a dynamic elder. Big capacity of integration of peripherals to create islands automated of production, using an interface VNC, robots operated through the control of the machine, with the positions and speeds of the robot entered through the visualisation of the programs memorised of each mould, thanks to the advanced system of control Alpha control, with screen multitáctil (similar to the systems of current communication in which they happen pages gliding a finger on the screen, opens zoom separating 2 fingers on the screen, etc.) with the maximum guarantees of durable functionality without need of recalibración of the screen and surface protected of damages with a glass of hygiene.

The machines Boy stand out by his compact dimensions and his energetic saving
The machines Boy stand out by his compact dimensions and his energetic saving.

Nova Frigo (Hall 10, B50)

Nova Frigo, pioneering signature in the design and manufacture of industrial refrigerators especially created for the industry of transformation of the plastic, presents in the K 2013 his wide range of equipment of refrigeration by water, condensed by air and by water, atemperadores of mould by water and oil, aero enfriadores, and the revolutionary system Sigma, with capacity to provide hot and cold water from a same team already different temperatures, for the most diverse applications. The series Sigma are units monobloque, totally autonomous with a complete hydraulics circuit, internal deposit presurizado and electrobomba of circulation. These refrigerators are endowed of evaporador and condenser to plates that, thanks to his sobredimensionamiento allow to the compressesor work in optimum conditions of high performance and low energetic consumption, even in extreme conditions of work. The particular technical conception of this team, absolutely silent and condensed by water, contributes to improve the environingingment of work, since it does not exist acoustic pollution neither broadcast of heat or currents of air.
Series Sigma of industrial refrigerators of Nova Frigo
Series Sigma of industrial refrigerators of Nova Frigo.
Something new, in addition to generating cold water for refrigeration, the team is able to provide hot water to temper moulds, until 90 °C. According to the different versions and configurations of the models Sigma of Nova Frigo, can have of 1 circuit of cold water or 1 circuit of cold water (from -5 °C.) More a second circuit of hot cold/water (from -5 °C until 90 °C.) Totally independent in regulation and control until the most sophisticated team that provides 2 circuits of hot cold/water (of -5 to 90 °C.), also with control and management absolutely independent one of another. Simultaneously, of each one of the types exist different models regarding power of refrigeration and atemperación.

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Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A.

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