
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cuenta atrás para la nueva dimensión
Hall 09 / C05

Countdown for the new dimension


Erema, one of the greater skilled companies in innovation of systems of recycling of plastic, represented in Spain by Protecnic, bet by the innovation of technological field and R&D to celebrate his thirty anniversary. The company presents a new technology in the fair of the K 2013.

Since it was founded in 1983, the company offers solutions in the development of technologies for the recycling of plastic that have revolutionised continuously the industry with numerous innovations for a wide range of applications of recycling. The heart of the systems of the company is formed by a combination of an aglomerador patented and an extruder, which can be used in some diverse works of recycling in accordance with his configuration, so much in the recycling of waste of own production as in the applications of waste of post-consumption highly contaminated.

The first time that Erema broke with the previous technology, went with the production of the pioneering generation of systems launched in 1983, the year that was founded. The company of engineering combined an aglomerador with an extruder – in that then still radial –, which made possible to cut, compact and extrusionar for the first time, plastic waste in an only continuous process. The operation of the machines was simple, had few requests of space and consumed an average of 30% less than power compared with the standard of the current industry. The market accepted quickly this new technology for the recycling of thermoplastic.

Erema Announces a new leading technology: 'the new dimension'

Erema Announces a new leading technology: 'the new dimension'.

Faithful to his maximum of continuous evolution, the signature continued developing this technology and with the launching of the second generation of plants in 1993 went back to contribute another advance on a large scale in the industry. Thanks to the extruder that now situated tangencialmente to the aglomerador,  it was able to improve enormously the quality of his final products as well as to increase the production and the productivity of considerable form. Likewise, the new definition and optimisation of the amplitude of the aglomerador in relation with the diameter of the husillo of the extruder connected (patented), did that the feeding of pieces even very big went extremely easy. The modifications oriented to the tools of cutting of the aglomerador also helped to optimise this process. The long times of wait in the big aglomerador were an additional profit of this innovative technology, which made possible the redirección of the material to the extruder with a distribution of the temperature much more homogénea.

The additional technologies patented by Erema for specific applications like the Double Disk and the Module of Air Flush, no only ensure the high quality of the material but it also expands the rank of process of the systems.

Thanks to the continuous improvement in the technologies of recycling of plastic and systems of plant of the following years, arrived to innovations stood out like the products: Vacurema (based in systems of recycling of PET), for alimentary contact, TVEplus for plastic waste highly contaminated or printed matter, COAX for materials of big volume (such like bullets of fibre, ropes, parts of car, etc.) and Corema that treats of a combination of technology of recycling and compounding for recycled specific.

Related Companies or Entities

Protecnic 1967, S.L.

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