
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Ferromatik apuesta por innovadores diseños para las máquinas de inyección

Hall 15, stand C06

Ferromatik Bets by innovative designs for the machines of injection


‘Enjoy of all the world' is the lemma adopted by Ferromatik Milacron to present the machinery of moldeo by injection that carries to Düsseldorf with reason of the Fair K.

The F-modular Series centres in technologies of packaging, including In-Mold-Labeling, injection barrier and technology of mould of die. The system modulate of the series F, that varies in size of 500 to 6.500 kN, can configure like a totally electrical machine, hydraulics or hybrid, depending on the requirements of manufacture of the users. In the K 2013 the visitors will be able to see an inyectora totally electrical F 200 with a strength of closing of 2.000 kN, instrumented with a unit of electrical injection 50 Advanced Performance (EAP). The use of a mould of 4 cavities and a system IML Swiss, shows the production of cover rectangular of thin walls with the labeling. Each 3,1 seconds, produce four cover with labels that weigh each one 8, 2 g. You cover them they take out of the mould lateralmente, controlled by a system of vision for the quality, apilan and delete .

The F 270 Cube totally electrical of the Series F with a strength of subjection of 2.700 kN

The F 270 Cube totally electrical of the Series F with a strength of subjection of 2.700 kN.

The F 350 hybrid with a strength of closing of 3.500 kN stands out by his speed. This machine uses a size of 70 with unit of hydraulics injection Advanced Performance (APH) . In this way, with a mould of 64 cavities of Corvaglia (Switzerland), the machine will produce enclosures for beverages with a weight of piece of 2,6 g each 4,5 seconds. The quality is controlled by a system of vision of Sight IMD (Switzerland) that separates the defective pieces.

The third team in the Series F of Ferromatik Milacron is a totally electrical machine 2.700 kN with mould of cube, the F 270 Cube. “Bring the first machine of cube entirely electrical for the market shows our leadership in this type of technologies, that have developed during the last 15 years”, commented,  Thorsten Thümen, director of Investigation and Development. The machine has of abundant space between columns, of 750 x 750 mm. It has a mechanism of electrical rotation inside the machine and a mould of 8 + 8 in four sides, both realizar by Foboha.

In each line of partition of the mould of cube, produce eight pairs of pieces: the upper piece and the inferior piece with a touch sophisticated, more the top of two components. As a result of a rotation of 90° of the mould of cube, the two pieces atornillan boards, a process in which it resorts to the 'Air-Move-System' designed by Trio-technik (Germany). The weight of the injection in each line of separation is 77,6 g or 9,7 g by each upper twist. The length of the cycle is of 9,5 seconds.

It covers with labeling of the 2.000 kN all-electric F 200 of the team of moldeo by injection
It covers with labeling of the 2.000 kN all-electric F 200 of the team of moldeo by injection.

The fourth team in the F-modular Series will be in exhibition in the stand of Mold-Masters (Hall 1, stand To39). This team of 1.600 kN and F 160 will allow to see the incorporation of a performance advanced hydraulics (APH), with size by unit of injection of 45 in combination with a unit of injection And-Multimontado vertically, built by Mold-Masters. The use of a mould of 16 cavities of F & S (EE UU), shows the production of enclosures barrier with two components. The unit of primary injection produces the main component, whereas the unit of vertical injection, produces the material of the core.

The material of the core–waterproof barrier prevents the expulsion of gases and the entrance of smells in the interior of the piece. The enclosures of 4,3 g produce with a time of cycle of 4,2 seconds. To the equal that with the F 350 the quality of the piece controls with the team of IMD. “Thanks to the active collaboration with our partners, are presenting four cells of complete manufacture around the F-modular Series. These different systems of manufacture show the scope of our experience in technology of applications in Ferromatik Milacron”, explained Sven Engelmann, boss of Applications and Systems.

The inyectora Elektron 30 has a unit of injection of international size 55 able to produce applicators for ampollas medical of 1 ml in a mould of four cavities done by Braunform (Germany), with a time of cycle of 9,1 s, and a piece of 1,6 g. A second machine Elektron situates in the stand of DME (Hall 1, stand C10) to show the manufacture of disks voladores. This inyectora of 500 kN will use a unit of international injection size 300 and a mould of Dauntless (EE UU), together with an adapter of fast change of DME that allows to the manufacturers change quickly the moulds for a more efficient production.

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