
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Línea de regeneración para PET con sistema Ecotronic y nuevo corte sumergido TI

Hall 09, stand C41

Line of regeneration for PET with system Ecotronic and new cut submerged YOU

Editorial Interempresas20/09/2013

The Italian company Gamma Meccanica assist to the  K with a line that can recover PET in shape of thread, fabric, plate and film and is formed by: Compac with system Ecotronic (Cut-Compactador), extruder, changes filters and a new cut submerged. The Cut-Compactador prepares the material for the back stages of the process of recycled. Thank you This new system have a precise control of the temperature without the utilisation of water. Of this way can obtain temperatures of work higher, what allows to the system delete high quantities of humidity before going in in the extruder.

Also they have realizar changes in the sinfín of feeding to the extruder for a more uniform dosage and efficient. The access to the Cut-Compactador is now easier that never, with a lateral door situated to a suitable height for the cleaning and changes of colour or material. Besides, the changes realizar in the bancada and the strip do more efficient the handle with a better access for the maintenance. The system can feed by strip transportadora, by a system of drag of coils, as well as by a loaders tyre by his top.

Machinery 3D GM65 Compac with YOU 4.5 to recycle PET
Machinery 3D GM65 Compac with YOU 4.5 to recycle PET.

The extruder has a desgasificado of high performance. It uses a desgasificador of empty height that deletes any residual humidity that have not been extracted by the Cut-Compactador. The change-filters has a specific special design to work with PET. The end of the line is formed by a cut submerged YOU again ideal design for the processed of all the present materials in the market; especially material with high fluidity like PET, HOT-MELT, TPU & PA, among others. Compared to the previous models, this new cut has additional characteristics designed to improve the performance and guarantee the operations of maintenance of fast and simple form.

GM50 of Compac, new design
GM50 of Compac, new design.

Thanks to the system of control Ecotronic reduces considerably the consumption of power. The quality of the granza has improved spectacularly, allowing use the material recycled directly in the process of production.

GM65 150 - 230
GM90 220 - 420
GM105 420 - 520
GM125 600 - 800
GM160 800 - 1.150
GM180 1.200 - 1.700
GM210 1.600 - 2.200

* The values of production refer to PET fibres and hilados or film of low thickness and can vary according to the apparent density of the material, level of pollution, index of impressesion and index of humidity.

Related Companies or Entities

Gamma Meccanica SpA

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