
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La K 2013 recibe la innovación de Moretto

Hall 11, stand H 57

The 2013 K receives the innovation of Moretto


on July 30, 2013

The Italian company Moretto, represented in Spain by MTP, participates in the K with a strong bet for leading products that reflect the value of its philosophy: deep passion and constant research. An example of this is the technological evolution in design, which will use CAD / CAM for multifisicas and math simulations through the use of a unique Simulator, the powerful computer Leonardo. This computer, in the hands of researchers from the firm, allows to find solutions based on real data and reduce the time spent on the construction of the prototypes phase.

The image shows the new One Wire 6
The image shows the new One Wire 6.

Among the new range of innovative products that has led to the K, Moretto exposes supervision and management systems of power with the new One Wire 6 self-adaptable: the automatic control system for centralised installations. In this way, a machine that collects material, to transform it, twenty meters can be connected to material stored at a hundred metres through a simple connection to the pipeline without having the operator to modify data or parameters. Their multiple properties include the Elimination of risk of obstruction or needing to schedule times. It also does not require any configuration cycle or cleaning of pipes and ensures maximum efficiency at all times.  The work of the operator who should not worry about the parameters, and can focus on the quality of the products is also streamlines. For better visibility, it is equipped with a touchscreen interface of 10 inch with icons for intuitive control of the production. Also comes with the practical Master 600 palmar for profiling user custom. There are three types of installation: wall-mounted, mounted on mezzanine, mounted on the floor.

The company aims to improve this system with the driver's speed or 'autocrucero', Kruise Kontrol. This technology allows to work, at the same time with the new models receivers of Kasko, refreshed in design - more - compact, easy to install and respond with twice the efficiency. Getters Kasko OW 6, Kruise Kontrol jointly with the DOLPHIN automatic distribution unit form the coup by which the company tries to position itself as the only company that has the most advanced transport of plastic granules of the market system. Within the TEKO Series highlights the line of thermostats for water for the temperature control of moulds, with pressurized with indirect Exchange series. On the other hand, with Gravix, the company committed to these series DGM gravimetric dosers that guarantee some level of precision without precedent, also in presence of strong vibrations. The algorithm of weighing together with the Vibration Immunity System (VIS) provides a reaction that is ten times faster than a dispenser in the market. The 'Easy Touch Super View' is an interface with icons of color that allows an extremely simple and intuitive programming for the management of equipment and processes. The range is suitable for productions from 30 up to 12.000 kg / h with dosages of up to 12 materials and allows more than one thousand combinations of hoppers.

Within its range star, Moretto wants to publicize the OTX (Original Thermal Exchanger): its careful internal geometry solves the problem of the flows of the fall of the material, allowing to manage more efficiently the process of dehumidification (controlling it into the hopper). The firm aims to, thus, ensure the same production in Kg / h with 40% less time and energy, compared to the standards. Currently, it is available in 28 sizes and is suitable for any application.

Eureka with OTX system
Eureka with OTX system.

The Eureka system for the dehumidification of polymers integrates OTX with other two signature technologies to ensure better dehumidification: X Max and Flowmatik. X Max dryer allows deshumidificaciones of up to 20,000 m3h. The units can be configured in a minimum number of 3 up to a maximum of 10 to serve up to 32 drying hoppers - without the need for cooling water or compressed air. The result is a dehumidification of hygroscopic materials more quickly and efficiently, with the advantage of a significant reduction in energy consumption. The factor that distinguishes this system of Tower multiple conventional systems is the maintenance of a constant (- 65 ° C) dew point during the process, reaching very high levels of efficiency and operational flexibility. The regeneration of the individual units is done by rotation: while one is regenerating, the others are in process, at the same time, generating a steady performance. The air flow is variable to automatically adapt to the needs of the process, preserving the polymer of thermal stress and viscosity variations. No need to stop the operation of the machine during maintenance.

Eureka is fitted Flowmatik, an integrated technology of automatic distribution system of air in individual systems and multiple hoppers. Flowmatik determines and provides the exact amount of air according to the needs of the hoppers. This technology is capable of managing the system and intervene in hoppers and controlling the process variables. The machine uses only the necessary process, calculated according to the amount and type of polymer to treat air. Thanks to these advantages, the reduction in consumption is particularly high. Eureka is also available in the version for PET. For this application, Flowmatik, attached to X Max and OTX reduces the flow of air from the system of the 2.5 m3 standard used by other systems in the market up to 1.6 m3in situations of use real, and the heating power in 1/3 thanks to the patented OTX, achieving a reduction of 40% of the cost of the energy devoted to the process of dehumidification in comparison with traditional systems. On the other hand, Moretto has not forgotten its most representative technologies: the mini-secadores X Air Dry, Oktobag for Oktobins and big-bags emptied and automatic distribution stations.

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