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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Las ventas al exterior de bienes de equipo nacionales se fortalecieron en 2012 y aumentaron un 7,1%

Annual balance sheet of Spanish capital goods industry 2012

Sales abroad of domestic capital goods strengthened in 2012 and increased 7.1 %

Drafting Interempresas19/07/2013
This sector is maintained as top exporter of our country with a weight of 15% of the total amount and a turnover of 33,400 million euros in exports last year. The sectoral Assembly intended 86% of its production to foreign sales (increase of one percentage point with respect to the advance of the beginning of the year). The first four months of 2013 reinforce the operation of Spanish capital goods exports to achieve an increase of 14.5 %

The National Association of manufacturers of equipment (Sercobe)employers in this industry, has held its General Assembly where there have been definitive figures for the financial year 2012. Export again, this year, the star of its annual balance with remarkable results. For the third consecutive year, the national capital goods sector returns to occupy the first position as economic activity that most sold outside of our country. In 2012, its exports reached the 33,400 million euros and an increase of 7.1% (evolution of 2.8 points with respect to the advance).

15% Of the total of national exports are capital goods, a leadership position that is justified by the high industrial competitiveness showing in international markets and own exportation effort of their companies, which I place in 86% of the total of its production in 2012. National equipment major customers are the European Union, United States and Canada. 72% Of national capital goods exports was destined to them.

 European Union



Latin America



Far East, Asia



USA and Canada



North Africa



Middle East



Rest of Europe



E.F.T.A. (Iceland, Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein)



Rest of the world



Total world



This industry is responsible for manufacture goods that are incorporated into the production processes of the industry itself, as well as the basic infrastructure of energy, transport and communications. It is part of the backbone of an advanced economy. In Spain, the capital goods sector accounts for 20% of the turnover of the manufacturing industry, in Europe, this figure increases to 28% and exports reaching one-third of its income.

The cause of the growth of its foreign trade is partly due to the continued decline of domestic demand in the country in 2012 I place - 15%, unmistakable sign of the complex situation of the Spanish economy. Another reflection of weak economic activity is the decrease of the sectoral turnover of - 5.2%, going to enter 37.230 million euros instead of the 39,000 achieved in 2011. The figures of unemployment, on the other hand, are smoothed - 2% Advanced to first year final - 0.5% at the end of the year. The current President of Sercobe, Angel Lara, is unambiguous in this respect: "we need is to urgently stimulate domestic demand if we want to revive our industry and to move towards the path of sustained economic growth and the longed-for job creation".

Angel Lara and Luis Valera along with entrepreneurs
Angel Lara and Luis Valera along with entrepreneurs.

The sector forecast to 2013

This exercise comes naturally influenced by the set of problems arising from the need to address budgetary imbalances, bank financing, the collapse of domestic demand, high levels of non-performing loans and structural reforms pending, unemployment to be the most pressing problem.

According to the Secretary of State for trade, exports maintained positive rates with an excellent balance of payments situation. In the first four months of the year they increased 14.5% in interannual rate and its weight reached 21.9% of total. In terms of the evolution of GDP, its quarterly rate in the first quarter of the year is - 0.5% compared to - 0.8% in the last quarter of the previous year. The index of Industrial production for the capital goods obtained a rate of - 1.1% to-11.6% of 2012, still positive figures for March and April.

All indications are that the manufacturing industry and, in particular, equipment directed its effort towards an increase of its competitiveness through the promotion of r & d and the improvement of its products and processes that allow them to maintain the levels of production and jobs. Only thus is can consolidate its presence in international markets in the absence of a clear improvement in domestic demand.

In this way, and as it is happening in Europe, the sector will focus on the goal of 20% of the weight of the GDP for the manufacturing industry by 2020, raising it from the current 16%. To do this, it will be necessary to focus economic policy strategies in the reindustrialization and promotion of industrial competitiveness.

From left to right: Angel Lara and Luis Valera

From left to right: Angel Lara and Luis Valera.

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