
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Bayer acude a la K con sueños y realidades

Hall 6, Stand A75

Bayer attends the K with dreams and realities


Bayer arises this year in the 2013 K with the slogan 'Sharing Dreams, Sharing Value', with the idea of sharing dreams and value to society. As it is becoming customary in multinational companies, Bayer advantage K to transmit their values. Patrick Thomas, CEO Bayer Material Science, a Briton in a German environment, referred to the international press in the first place to the 150 years that this year meets Bayer and that along the celebrated with various events as reported by Interempresas universal plastics in previous months.

In 2012, Bayer Material Science (BMS) invested $ 242 million in r & d and registered nearly 200 patents. Approximately 10% of the total r & d investment of Bayer went to plastics. This is undoubtedly the fact that allows you to talk about dreams, work thinking of turning dreams into reality. Thomas gave as an example the initiative Solar Impulse, which didn't want to demonstrate that it is possible an aircraft powered by solar energy, but to highlight the interest in entering new territories, have experience that changed the way of thinking of the people. The next Solar Impulse is intended for 2015 and tests with the cockpit made in composite, polyurethane foam, PC for solar radiation and weight reduction are already. The dream is that aircraft turn the world non-stop. And the interest is in the process of innovation in how to put according to specialists from numerous companies to get a project of these characteristics, not so much on the end result. But on the other hand is the challenge to make the lightest possible cabin, because if not leave part of the project. This competitiveness is what allows Bayer to be in its current position after 150 years of history.

Another great dreams at Bayer is the use of CO2 as raw material for making polymers, for which there is already a pilot plant. By 2015 already they will be trained to take action at the level of industrialization. "You have to change the way in which we think about materials." You must stop thinking about CO2as a residue and begin to see it as a raw material, the same with methane or other gases. This was already a dream 30 years ago, and is now a reality at Bayer. In the K Bayer wants to share dreams with customers, knowing those dreams to see if they are viable.

It is also a prominent issue collaboration with Cyberdyne to develop assistive technologies for people with disabilities, the manufacture of cyber arms or similar. There are already different devices of assistance, not only for people with disabilities but also for repetitive work or too hard for a human body. Robots that work integrated with a human being will be a giant market in the future.

Microcellular foams for efficient refrigerators energetically speaking, polycarbonate for mattresses, assistive devices of polyurethane based on CO2, Bayer attends the K to show its benefits for society and insists its motto share dreams.

The three big dreams-related topics are the safety, freedom and happiness, and 2013 K booth is set up around these concepts. They will not display the multiple applications of plastics in the present and in the future, but the future. Stand is intended to look ahead, thinking of the dreams of each one and they want customers to form part of it, participate in the idea of sharing ideas.

More realities

The cars fuel economy and greater functionality are still a dream that constantly requires new solutions. Composites with fiber structures are fundamental. Bayer Material Science has developed a prototype to demonstrate the potential of these technologies. The piece is based on a plastic reinforced with continuous fiber with a matrix based on PC. This type of composites are also known as nylon composite plates and are characterized by a few surfaces that accept the highest quality coatings.

Also in the construction area Bayer provides solutions that simplify and reduce the cost of installation in modular homes, shorten the time for its construction and increases its performance and functionality.

Bayer improves the performance and functionality in the construction
Bayer improves the performance and functionality in the construction.

Bayer is really on many fronts, some conventional but many others in full expansion. His films of PC Makrofol, Bayfol are in the manufacture of chip cards and other elements of security and we find this multinational materials in products that improve the storage of food or its duration, all this taking into account the terrible problem of waste. In this area also plays an important role the insulation of cooling in the cold chain. The smaller is the diameter of the pore materials, lower is heat loss l and better insulation. Bayer has developed a polyurethane with pore diameter is measured in microns.

Pilot plant for producing chlorine with ODC technology
Pilot plant for producing chlorine with ODC technology.

On the other hand, the visitor of the K also can inform yourself on the new technology of Bayer and ThyssenKrupp, released already at commercial level, which allows the production of chlorine with one much reduced electricity consumption. ODC (oxygen depolarized cathode) technology is used for electrolysis of table salt.

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