
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at DSM crea valor en 3D: 'Personas, planeta, beneficio'

Hall 6, stand B11

DSM Creates value in 3D: 'People, planet, profit'


DSM Engineering Plastics, one of the major companies whose service is based on Science, nutrition and materials, presented at the Conference pre - in Mainz, Germany - the corporate values that have made it to highlight in competitiveness in the market. Currently has presence in all continents (Europe 64 plants, Asia, 31, North America, 33, and Latin America, 15-, within its growth agenda that focuses on two factors: 'Life Science and Materials Science' keeps the goal of creating a service that offers solutions that nourish, protect, and improve the functioning of the system.)

EcoPaxx, the transparent film of DSM that protects food

EcoPaxx, the transparent film of DSM that protects food.

Especially for the K trade fair, the company wants to show visitors how to obtain value in various sectors, mainly in nutrition, plastics and the environment. In the sector of automation ensures a reduced consumption of gasoline, safety and comfort. The company committed to the Oil Pans Akulon for PSA characterized by replacing the metal by plastic. Also emphasizes the service of solutions offered to its customers in the sector of air conditioning Stanyl, Akulon devil. In the range of plastics for food products, its flagship is 'EcoPaxx'. This plastic film has been designed to avoid any kind of contamination by air, thanks to its strength. The transparency of the film allows you to check the status of the product with total reliability. At the same time, it is a sustainable solution.

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