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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Revestimientos poliméricos para la protección de cubetos de retención
The relative legislation to the storage of chemical products demands the installation of systems of containment and collected of spill

Coatings Polymeric for the protection of cubetos of retention

Marta Marco, Marketing Executive, Belzona Polymerics Limited12/02/2013
The prevention of the environingingmental pollution is a subject of vital importance for any industry. Regarding the storage of chemicals, the companies have to adjust to the rule of storage and prevention of escapes or poured by means of the installation of cubetos of retention, that have to be able to resist the attack of the chemical products. For this, the market of the coatings industrial offers products that protect the floor and walls of the cubetos against the chemical attack, avoiding like this high economic sanctions by environingingmental pollution.

The activities of storage and handle of chemicals are common to many of the industrial states, like the chemical and petrochemical industry, the electrical generation, the waste treatment water, the processing of metals and the manufacture of products like paper, in which they use chemicals like part of the processes. Because of the toxic nature and corrosiva of these substances, the relative legislation to the storage of chemical products loans special attention to the prevention of escapes or poured that they can damage the environingingment, demanding the installation of systems of containment and collected of spill.

Cubeto Of retention protected with a revestimiento Belzona
Cubeto Of retention protected with a revestimiento Belzona.

The legislation demands that the cubetos of retention, often manufactured of concrete and mortar, ensure the estanqueidad of the products stored during the necessary time foreseen for his evacuation. However, you spill them of chemical products damage with ease the concrete and filter through the same contaminating the floor and the subterranean areas. At present, it exists in the market a wide variety of coatings that offer a solution to this problem, providing an integral coating of the walls and floor of the cubeto. The chemical resistance and adhesion to the concrete of these coatings are key points to take into account to the hour to select a revestimiento of protection. The coatings of the series 4000 of Belzona, formulated from resins epoxi, allow to protect the cubeto of retention on a long-term basis, thanks to his excellent resistance to a wide variety of chemical products in high concentrations and a strong adhesion to surfaces of concrete, mortar, baldosa and metal.

The coatings of Belzona are commonly used by companies of distinct industrial states, many of which attend to Belzona after the failure of the revestimiento ancient of the cubeto. East was the case of a thermal sensors head office in the north of Spain, that experienced problems in the cubetos of two of the tanks in the plant of chemical dosage. Rodator, official distributor of Belzona in the north and centre of Spain, offered a fast and durable solution to this problem.

In this case, the cubetos of retention of concrete belonged to two tanks of storage of hipoclorito sódico NaClO and sulphurous acid, in concentrations of 13% and 98% respectively. The revestimiento of polymeric type applied during the realisation of the work of construction was damaged in the areas where had produced spill of the chemical products contents in the tanks. Besides, because of the bad quality of mortar of manufacture of the cubetos, these presented damages and desprendimientos.

Damages in the revestimiento of the base of the cubeto
Damages in the revestimiento of the base of the cubeto.
Desprendimiento Of the mortar in the wall of the cubeto

Desprendimiento Of the mortar in the wall of the cubeto.

The first step of the repair consisted in the withdrawal of the revestimiento ancient and the repair of the areas damaged with Belzona 4301 (Magma CR1 Hi-Build), a material epoxi of high performance designed to reconstruct surfaces affected by chemical attack, avoiding the problems and the long necessary period to realise this type of repairs with traditional mortars. The excellent adhesion of this product to the mortar and existent concrete ensures a durable repair and minimises the needs of maintenance.

Once that the damages in the mortar were repaired, the walls and floor of the cubetos recubrieron with Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1), a revestimiento epoxi resistant to the high concentrations of hipoclorito and sulphurous acid by periods of prolonged times, even in situations of complete immersion. In the areas of access and ladders of the cubetos, incorporated Belzona 9211 (Supergrip Aggregate) to the revestimiento, an aggregated that allows to create surfaces antideslizantes and facilitates a safer access to the area.

Cubeto revestido With Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1)
Cubeto revestido With Belzona 4311 (Magma CR1).
Surface antideslizante with Belzona 9211 (Supergrip Aggregate)
Surface antideslizante with Belzona 9211 (Supergrip Aggregate).

This application shows how the coatings of Belzona create a protective barrier that isolates the concrete, mortar, baldosa or metal of the attack of the chemical products spilt in cubetos of retention, what translates in a greater hygiene in the prevention of the environingingmental pollution and saving in costs by maintenance.

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