Rajapack, S.A - Cardboard pallets

Pallets Of cardboard: versatile, resistant and ecological

Picture of Pallets Of cardboard
Palet Versatile and functional. Manufactured 100% of cardboard ondulado light, is optimum for activities of an use, circuits without return and/or of long route, being apt for activities in contact with products agroalimentarios since it does not require of any treatment antiparasitario. 100% natural: it is recyclable, biodegradable and the prime matter used for his manufacturing comes from of paper recycled. Light, apilable and intercalable: his light weight between 0,95 kg and 4,50 kg favour his manipulation and the reduction of logistical costs and of storage. Resistant and light: his flat board provides a big stability to the load, and does not contain staples neither sharp angles potentially dangerous. The palet of cardboard intercalado facilitates the paletización of the heterogeneous products.