Disset Odiseo, S.L. - Boxes and containers

Big plastic containers: for the storage of small loads like fruit or vegetables, etc

Picture of Big plastic containers
The big plastic containers of Disset Odiseo offer an economic and durable solution to the storage of small loads as they can be fruit, vegetables or even pieces of plastic. The big plastic containers, also called ‘Big Box', are manufactured in polyethylene of high density of grey colour. This type of material gives him a series of advantages to the container, between which stands out a high resistance to the inclemencias metereológicas and to the ultraviolet and infrared rays. The polyethylene provides besides an excellent resistance to the corrosion by part of chemical agents. His material is 100% recyclable,and therefore, respectful with the environingingment.

These containers can instrument optionally with carries labels to be able to carry the trazabilidad of each container and do the timely controls of stock, or entrances and exits of commodities.

Disset Odiseo Offers a wide range of folding containers, configurables with legs, wheels or skate as they are the needs of each project. His volume of storage oscillates between the 300 and the 1.100 litres. In all the cases, the containers are manipulables with transpaleta or carretilla elevador. The fields of application of these containers are numerous: from the collected of fruit or vegetables going through the transport of liquids in containers IBC folding or the collected of batteries used in skilled centres of collected of waste. Even they have of models with isothermal sensors walls that help to keep the temperature during the distance and storage of the commodity.

In the case of the folding containers, these offer a considerable reduction in the logistical costs thanks to the decrease of volume during the return. In comparison with other types of containers offer a durable solution and of high provision to the logistical cycles. They are able to save until 70% of the total volume. These containers constitute an investment to consider in any company of manufacture of small components or even in the alimentary industry. They can have of lateral doors of access in all the sides to simplify the tasks of load and download of pieces. Folded or no folded can apilar, even with covers it put, helping to improve the order and the logistics inside the warehouse.