Asociación Española de Automatización y Robótica (AER Automation) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación Española de Automatización y Robótica (AER Automation)
Ceramistes, 2. Parc Tecnològic del Vallès.
08290 Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑932155760   +34‑639562796  

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


The level of industrialisation of a country, some politics and specific programs of support and an Association are, without place to doubts, the three fundamental axles and dinamizadores of the development of the automation and the robotics.

Under these premises was cream the AER in 1985 like a non-profit organisation that groups to the different members or communities in which it resides big part of the push and development of the Robotics (AER) and of the Automation of Technologies of the Production (ATP).

Is a convicción generalised in the Association that the proliferation and the correct use and implantation of the industrial robotics, as well as of all the technologies that so intimately carries achieve the integration of the different systems of production, are indispensable tools for the economy of a country and for the maintenance of some suitable heights of competitiveness in our industry.

Besides is necessary to begin to signal, that the robotics of services, the no industrial, is already generating enormous expectations in the world-wide surroundings and every time but are initiating new developments and applications that definitely will play a very important paper in an immediate future.

The recognition that it enjoys the AER-ATP by part of the different public authorities and private, so much to national level like international, award him a notable leadership in the sector and of big importance, in the first place for the associated and second to all the technical and industrial Community, since it guarantees a permanent channel of information for the sector.

AER-ATP facilitates permanently all type of information and promotes skilled meetings on different programs and projects.

Likewise cuidar the different formative appearances that integrate the sector and transmits a projection of the same further of our borders.

Like member founder of the International Federation enjoys of a position of privilege in the world-wide context.