
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Antonio Muñoz, director comercial del Área de Inyección de Coscollola Comercial, S.L.
“The low energetic consumption of a machine still is not an argument determinante available”

Interview to Antonio Muñoz, commercial director of the Area of Injection of Coscollola Commercial, S.L.

Víctor Eat19/06/2012

19 June 2012

It began being an argument that employed some to finish turning into something totally established in the majority of manufacturers of the sector: the low energetic consumption of an inyectora of plastics is a decisive available factor. To know for sure if this is a real demand of the transformers of plastic, have interviewed to Antonio Muñoz, commercial director of the Area of Injection of Coscollola Commercial, S.L.
Antonio Muñoz, commercial director of the Area of Injection of Coscollola Commercial, S.L.
Antonio Muñoz, commercial director of the Area of Injection of Coscollola Commercial, S.L.

Directly and without any preamble, for his customers the low energetic consumption that can have an inyectora is a decisive argument so that they buy or no this machine?

Nowadays with the pressesure of existent costs can not deny that that is a demand of the customers. To be more exact can affirm that it has turned into an important point although no determinante in the election of a mark or type of machine.

It is truly so important the consumption of power? It can have a lot of difference between the consumptions of a machine and the ones of another?

Really the consumption of power is an important part, no the fundamental, but wins weight day in day out. Regarding differences of energetic consumption between a machine or another is evident that can have them, but in my opinion the criteria of election in the moment to decide the purchase of a machine have to base above all else in technical analyses of the process of injection.

Machines totally electrical, hybrid or hydraulics. Each one has his advantages and inconvenient, but the electrical are beginning to have more presence. It is the subject of the consumptions the main reason or are strengthening little by little by other reasons?

Sincerely, from Coscollola think that the electrical machines are strengthening porcentualmente more by reasons of precision in the process that by his reduction in the electrical consumption.

The inyectoras Krauss Maffei of the series AX work with traction by belts and are refrigeradas by air
The inyectoras Krauss Maffei of the series AX work with traction by belts and are refrigeradas by air.

According to his opinion, the importance that gives him to the energetic saving, is more related with the economy (reduction of costs) or with the ecology (take care the surroundings)?

The question of the reduction of costs is at present much more notable that the ecological subject, since the first appearance has an economic incidence more immediate.

Nevertheless, it is necessary recalcar, that in Coscollola have customers, mainly multinationals, that value the absence of the oil in his machines like an important ecological contribution of scheme them electrical.

They have in Coscollola relative studies to the electrical consumptions and his incidence in the cost of production of the customers?. It is usual this conversation with the customers?

Yes, have of wide studies and comparative reports of productivity between the different types of inyectoras: electrical, hybrid or hydraulics. Said reports indicate that the process incide of form very elevated in the correct election of the machine. It is logical, therefore, that the process of production that uses the customer was the point of initial conversation between him and we, to establish the ideal parameters for a correct election of the team of injection.

The inyectoras Krauss Maffei of the EX series have of direct traction and incorporate a system of refrigeration by water without belts...
The inyectoras Krauss Maffei of the EX series have of direct traction and incorporate a system of refrigeration by water without belts.

Where it is the secret so that a machine consummates less power? In the accionamientos?

The accionamientos inciden in the consumption but no significantly. It serve the following example to illustrate it: In a fast cycle, in which there are not dead times, there are not savings and the consumption of a hydraulics is equal to the of an electrical, but the electrical has a cost 50% upper.

In which type of applications influences more the consumption of power on the total costs? In big pieces, pieces of fast cycle...

The energetic consumption reveals really significant in big machines and with slow cycles and never in fast cycles.

Krauss Maffei, one of the marks represented by Coscollola, does special upsetting in the energetic saving? They have machines thought on purpose to consume less power?

Do upsetting in the consumption and energetic saving, this if, always associating it to the processes that apply our customers.

Krauss Maffei Produces two types of machine entirely electrical: the model AX with traction by belts and refrigeradas by air which has an industrial application and the EX model with direct traction and refrigeradas by water without belts which has some medical applications in short cycles.

Also produce the package of measures Blue Power that it can install in all our hydraulics series CX, GX and MX and from 35 until 5.400 tonnes of strength of closing and for all type of applications.

Who is Antonio Muñoz?

Antonio Muñoz is Master Industrial in moulds and matricería, formed also in the handle of programs of CAD-CAM and is Máster by Eada. It has ten years of experience in the design and mould manufacturing and fourteen in commercial technical departments of IMM and mould manufacturing. In 1997 it goes in in Coscollola and exerts of commercial, happening in 2008 to occupy his current charge of commercial director of the Area of Injection.

Coscollola, 60 years to the service of the sector

Coscollola Commercial, S.L. It is a solid familiar company with more than 60 years of experience and a strong presence in the Spanish and Portuguese markets, especially in the sectors of the car, of the packaging and of the electronic electrical / material, as well as of the compounding and the extrusion, so much of plastic matters as of rubber. It offers global services of commercialisation, engineering, set up, maintenance and repair of equipment, and of technical learning of personnel.

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