
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Fabricantes españoles de maquinaria (I)

Spanish manufacturers of machinery (I)


Concepció Rock

To continuation presents a group of companies manufacturers of machinery for the transformation of the plastic, machinery of finishing, auxiliary machinery, moulds and accessories for machines and moulds.

Although the presented is not, neither pretente be, an exhaustive relation, yes is the sufficiently extensive as to allow us outline the characteristics of the company Spanish manufacturer.

Begin by his size. Although logically there are exceptions, the Spanish companies manufacturers of machinery or moulds are small, average as a lot. Of the companies that relate, more than the half have between 10 and 50 workers, rondando the average by the 25 workers. We aim also that 20% of the sample presented has less than 10 workers.

His size, however, is not obstacle so that they apply in the manufacture of his products the last advances of the technician, and proof of this is that several Spanish companies export to countries technologically advanced like Germany or United States.

The exporting activity is a common shot to all the companies studied, was cual was his size, and in occasions represents the greater part, or virtually all, his production. The neighbouring countries, Portugal and France, are the most frequent destinations of the Spanish machines, although they also stand out Centre and Sudamérica, North of Africa, countries of the EU like England, Belgium, Holland, Finland and Italy, in addition to the already mentioned, as well as Switzerland, Singapore, Japan and Australia.

The percentage of the turnover because of the export oscillates, in general, between the 40 and 60% although, because of the type of equipment that manufactures, this figure can vary a lot of a year to another. As already it has aimed, in occasions the export represents the 95-90% of the production.

The turnover of these companies corresponds logically with his size. Like this, roughly 25% of the companies related presented in 1995 a turnover between 500 and 1.000 Mptas, but it is necessary to take into account that more than 30% had an inferior turnover or the same to 150 Mptas.

The companies manufacturers of Spanish machinery are, then, small companies-average, technologically advanced and very active, that have known to give account that in the competition in the global market was his only possibility of survival.

  • Alimatic, S.L.
  • And & Or, S.A.
  • Comexi, S.A.
  • Commercial of Useful and moulds, S.A. (Cumsa)
  • Covex RS Extrusion, S.A.
  • Eurotecno, S.A.
  • Luxber, S.L.
  • Llisamol, S.L.
  • Mateu & Solé, S.A.
  • Moulds Prefabricated Vap, S.A. (Vap)
  • Plamasa, S.A.
  • Workshops Pena, S.A.
  • Tauvi, S.A.

The study and realisation of installations for the storage, dried, deshumidificación, mix and transport of plastic materials in granza or dust for the industries of production or of transformation is the centre of the activity of Alimatic, activity that sees favoured by the increasing tendency of the industry to request the material in cisternas, even when the consumption is not very high, and reduce like this the costs of manipulation and storage.

Installations of pneumatics transport multiestacionales, dehumidifiers of dry air for technical plastics and dryers of hot air for the treatment of plastic materials no hygroscopic are the big lines of manufacture of Alimatic, whose equipment are all of own technology and adjusted to the Norms CE.

Alimatic Supplies from the individual team to the most complex installation, being able to serve like example the supplied in 1995 to Cibie for his plant of manufacture of headlights and pilot in Sao Paulo (Brazil) and that allowed him centralise the materials in zone warehouse by means of the installation of a head office of deshumidificación and the feeding of each cell of production with the miscellaneous components that compose a unit of product. The installation is composed by two groups dehumidifiers, hoppers secadoras with two levels of work for a better optimisation and an installation of transport by empty of the materials from containers on foot of machine through a table of multiple connections. The park consists of 15 presses of injection and has of a driving by machine.

The company presents, like novelty in Equiplast, panels of modular control, so that the individual equipment can transform in modular if it interests to increase the size of the installation.

Henkel, Dow Chemical, Hoechst Iberian, Tame, Cibie-Valeo and Macresur are some of the customers of Alimatic, company that initiated his activity in 1984 and account in the actuality with 19 workers. The turnover is of 300 M, of the which 90 M (30%) are been due to the export. Portugal, Brazil, Argentina, France, Holland and Mexico are the countries buyers.

Appears 1 Installation centralised of deshumidificación in factory of injection. The installation allows to treat simultaneously distinct materials.

Equipment for the manipulation and the comprobación of empty containers is the speciality of this company, that dates of 1986 and operates in Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Puerto Rico and United States. With 12 workers and an annual turnover of 150 Mptas -of which 60 Mptas correspond to the export- And & Or has like customers to Guadalaivar (Valencia), José Collado Bonet (Valencia), Waters of Valtorre (Toledo), Oils Carbonell -Group Koipe (Córdoba), Group Cargil (Seville), Waters of Insalus (San Sebastián) and Henkel Iberian (Barcelona), for quoting only a few.
Feeding, transformation and packaging are the subsectores to which basically directs his products, that could classify of some form in equipment for the comprobación and equipment for the manipulation.
Inside the first presents a comprobador automatic of boxes with calibración automatic of zero and gain, platform of drag of boxes by means of motorised band and rollers and programming by means of tight keyboard of parameters as it consigns of weight, tolerance of weight and temporización of rejection. The system allows to detect if inside an enclosed box exist containers in shortage of product or if it is missing algun container in his interior.
The company presents like novelty in Equiplast the model LS-K, a kit comprobador of containers instalable in the interior or to the exit of the machine of blown alternative and that allows the detection of microfugas and, optionally, of rebabas, the election of the zone of rejection and the contaje of defective containers. The group of cabezal can mount on the existent conveyor, and allows the exit of data to computer. It admits a production of until 1.000 units/h. The model LS1C admits 1.500 or/h.
The LS-Rotary presses, by his part, is a comprobador automatic of bottles designed for placing in lines of filled already existent, between posicionador and llenadora. It admits a production of until 30.000 unidadesd/h (containers of 1 l).
Regarding the equipment of manipulation, the company presents an automatic system of insertion of roast in garrafas adapted to place in existent conveyor, after the taponado and labeling. They can apply you roast also to the exit of the machine of blown of high production.
The REZS 1500x500 is a robot for the orderly extraction equipment equipment of containers PET of machines of injection-blown with a precision of trip of 0,1 mm, and the RBZ 2500 G270 is a system robotizado for the learning and paletizado of trays of containers, are these of PVC, PET, metallic or of glass. It can use also for the despaletizado and automatic feeding of lines of bottled.
The representatives of And & Or are Prosima (Barcelona) and Procoplast (San Sebastián).

Appears 2 The automatic system of insertion of roast in garrafas (MOD.IA3.000) presents speed controlled by means of electronic regulator with rampa of start and unemployed and automatic synchronisation with the line of packaging.

Comexi initiated his activities in Gironinginga like workshop of maintenance and manufacture of equipment for the industry papelera, very important in the zone, around the which was creating an industrial fabric of high technology, with a hand of work very skilled and described. It ran the year 1954.
In 1956 designed and manufactured the first flexographic printers and initiated the commercial network of Comexi in the inner and external markets, with exports to France, United States and Germany. In the decade of the 60 took place the design and manufacture of the first flexographic printers of central drum, in 4 and 6 colours, and the one of the 70 saw the expansion and consolidation of the export of Comexi, that already reached 50% of the production in 1970. In this decade designed also the first printer of huecograbado and the first laminadora without dissolvent. In 1976 they created Coemter, devoted then to the manufacture of soldadoras, Elpa, specialised in the manufacture of planchistería and special constructions and Fungisa, the smelting of the group.
In the decade of the 80 took place the design and manufacture of the first flexographic printer of central drum with 8 colours. It continues the expansion of the company in the external markets, creating in 1988 the delegation in United States, Comexi America Inc. In 1992 the commercial network had expanded to 70 countries.
In 1990 organised the department of production by means of flexible cells and in 1991 created Enviroxi, skilled company in environingingment, warehouses robotizados of rollers and peripheral technologies to the sector of the flexible packaging.
At present, the Group Comexi is constituído by 7 companies, explaining to the own Comexi and to Neopack, company of recent creation devoted to the reacondicionamiento of printers, to the design and construction of special equipment and to special projects. Group Comexi is working likewise in the creation of Serviflex, skilled company in productive technological assistance to the service of the sector of the flexible packaging.
Comexi Has 180 workers and had in 1995 a turnover of 3.400 Mptas, of the which a 80-85% corresponded to the export, 45% to America, 40% to the European Union and 15% to other countries. Account between his customers to Aspla (Torrelavega, Santander), Inerflexo (Barcelona), Poliplast (Polinyà), Torres Ruiz (Valencia), Zermatt (Madrid), Polibol (Saragossa) and plastic Andalucia, for quoting sóloo a few. The sector of the transformation of the plastic supposes 70% of the turnover, being still in him papelero and the one of packaging.
By what refers to Coemter, that at present manufactures machinery for the manufacturing of stock exchanges and sacks, had the year happened some sales of 1.350 Mptas, of which 80% corresponded to the export. They work in Coemter 40 people.
Coemter, S.A. Camí Antic of Vilablareix, s/n, 17190 Salt (Gironinginga). Tel. (972) 231361 Fax (972) 231505.

Appears 3 The FQ 2100 CNC is a flexographic printer of central drum of 8 colours with numerical control and device of automatic change of cylinders.

With a turnover of 400 Mptas in 1995, of which 340 Mptas correspond to the export, Cumsa outlines like one of the most active companies of his sector. Between the countries to which has exported his products explain United States, Portugal, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Singapore, Japan, Australia, Finland and Malaysia.
Transformative of plastics by injection and moldistas for thermoplastic are the subsectores to which preferably direct his products. The company, that at present has 10 workers, has like representatives to Moulds Prefa bricados VAP, S.A. (VAP) of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), Copema, S.L. (Barcelona) and Industrial Supplies Bilbaínos, S.L.(Baracaldo, Vizcaya)

Appears 4 Sliding, elements of expulsion, elements of refrigeration and diverse accessories form part of the program of manufacture of Cumsa.

From 1970, Covex RS Extrusion supplies to the market machinery and installations for the extrusion and the coextrusión with own technology. With a turnover of 800 Mptas annual, Covex RS Extrusion exports to France, Russia, Sudamérica, North of Africa, South of Africa, United States and Asia, representing the exports 48% of the turnover. The company has at present 47 workers.

Appears 5 Installation giratoria of polietileno of low density and linear. Widths 120-200 cm.

With 21 years of experience in the sector, Eurotecno realises in his installations all the process of manufacture of his equipment with own technology, manufacturing the machines to the measure of his customers and in base to his concrete specifications.
Good part of the efforts of Eurotecno, S.A. orients to the manufacture of mills, offering to his customers the possibility to realise proofs of grinded without commitment in his plant of experimentation.
Said mills are elaborated exclusively in chapones of steel, mechanised of precision and joined between yes by hardware of high resistance. The bancada has a fixed blade in each side, being said blade bent with regard to the horizontal plane of the rotor so that it produces a cut type tijera in place of the tear typical of the classical mills.
Is remarkable also the system of fixation of the blades; the blade is a sharp prism to 45 without any type of taladro, realised in steel indeformable to the chromium, tempered and revenido. To the not having taladros of fixation, avoid breaks by concentration of tensions of temper, abarata the cost of the blade and increases his length. These blades fix by means of coin to pressesure that allow an easy reglaje and replacement of blades. This technology of design and manufacturing of the mills allows to achieve savings of power of until 30% in the process of grinded, with regard to other types of mills.
In the field of the extrusion, Eurotecno manufactures a wide range in how much to dimensions and types, so much monohusillo as of double husillo. Special quotation has to do of the last developments of machines of double husillo corrotantes with system of shirts and husillos componibles for the line of composting of high production.

Appears 6 Installation for the recycled of film of polietileno or polipropileno, entirely automated, accionada by motors of alternating current with speed regulable by means of regulators of frequency. Control of all the functions by computer.

Luxber, S.L., founded in 1986, has at present 19 workers and a turnover of 330 Mptas, of which 120 Mptas correspond to the export to Mexico, Algeria, Morocco and France mainly. The subsectores of packaging and feeding are the main customers of his products.

Appears 7 Luxber, S.L. It manufactures also integral injection machinery-blown of P.And.T.

Llisamol has devoted completely, from his starts in 1970, to the mould manufacturing, applying from 1981 the computer-aided design (CAD/CAM) in his projects. In 1986 they began to endow his park of machinery of gifted machines of numerical control (CNC).
Use software of own creation thought specifically for the type of mould in which they have specialised, moulds for PET for integral machines and of two stages. Llisamol Collaborates with the customers in the design of the containers and adviser in the geometries, taking into account the products to pack.
The company, that has in the actuality 15 workers, has oriented his investment to the investigation of the transformation and geometries to apply in the preformas, taking into account the final design of the container. Fruit of this investigation is the System and Proceed, patented, system of refrigeration of preformas by means of gas with which achieves increase the production in 25%. At present they work in diverse systems of roast monomateria incorporated in the container.

Appears 8 Llisamol is specialised in integral machines of injection-blown, although it also realises moulds for the injection of preformas.

The history of Mateu & Solé runs parallel to the development of the plastics, industry to which from siempe has served. The company initiated his activities in 1942, developing in a small workshop his first machines of injection with pistón manual, to which incorporated electrical circuits in 1945.
In the field of the auxiliary equipment, Mateu & Solé developed in 1954 the first mill of recovery of 0.5 CV of power. A year afterwards, in 1955, appeared the first technical plastics, that required specific procedures of transformation. Mateu & Solé Entered in 1958 the first hydraulics systems in his inyectoras and, this same year, presented to the market the first machine of extrusion-blown of until 1 litre of capacity.
1960 knew a considerable increase in the consumption of the plastics. Mateu & Solé Expanded to 4000 m2 his installations of production; three years afterwards entered the systems of injection by husillo and ten years afterwards, in 1975, incorporated the electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers to his processes of transformation and in 1976 the systems of logical valves in the hydraulics circuits. Being still in this evolutionary line, the company offers in 1980 the microprocessor for control of the systems of transformation in his machinery, joining up to his circuits proportional valves.
In 1987 inaugurated 10.000 m2 of new industrial plants, expanding in 1994 his range of inyectoras until 800 Tm. A recent development is the incorporation of the microprocessor in the own machine, initiating also this year systems of injection by gas and systems of injection bimateria or bicolor. Mateu & Solé Exhibits from 1995 the certificate CE of adaptation to the norms of hygiene that govern in the European Union.
At present, with two subsidiary companies (V. Mateu Bernad, S.A. and Mecanofil, S.A.) and almost 100 workers in staff, Mateu & Solé offers a wide fan of machinery of transformation of plastics with systems of injection, blown, extrusion and mills trituradores, exporting to 40 countries of the 5 continents. Mateu & Solé Has representation in Madrid, Valencia, Vizcaya and Saragossa.

Appears 9 The Meteor 625/150 of Mateu & Solé presents microprocessor incorporated.

Moulds Prefabricated VAP, S.A. is a company manufacturer of elements normalised for the industry of injection of plastic and aluminium, that was founded in 1963 from a lack in the Spanish market of usable standardised products by the industrial workshops manufacturers of moulds and matrices.
The starts were hard, because of the habit generalised in the market of autofabritruckse to measure the components of the mould in place to purchase them. With the first requests, designed some measures standardised splitting of the experience purchased until that moment, going out to the market the first catalogue. In the actuality has generalised the habit of purchase of said elements, resulting unthinkable for a moldista act as in the past.
Moulds Prefabricated VAP, S.A. also has evolved and, with the experience purchased and the constant technological innovation, has achieved a high degree of able specialisation to satisfy the most demanding needs, the which allows them face the future with optimism. Moulds Prefabricated VAP is known to national level, seeing favoured with the confidence of signatures leaders in the sector like Matrix (Ripoll, Gironinginga) and Mai (Valls, Tarragona), for quoting two examples, and exports to countries of all the world, representing the export between the 12 and 15% of his 700 Mptas of turnover. The company has at present 41 workers.

Appears 10 In the actuality, moldistas, matriceros and transformers by injection purchase elements normalised for the mould manufacturing.

This year 1996 have fulfilled 30 years of the first installation of blowers Rothowi in the market. Along these years, the marks Rothowi and Rothowi-Florentina have come incorporating in his procedures, material and design the most modern technologies and the technical innovations imperantes in the sector. All the blowers Rothowi have the homologation Marks CE, fulfilling all the directives of the European Union.
Plamasa, S.A. produces blowers for PE/PP/PC, for PVC/PET-G, for containers from 0,20 ml until 10.000 ml of capacity, exporting to diverse countries of all the world and attending of personal form and very directly to the internal market.
At present Plamasa, S.A. is developing, in collaboration with the big producers of resins, blowers of coextrusión multilayered for polietileno, with layer of control-barrier to preserve the most diverse products to pack and also for the industry of the car.
The company, that has in these moments 10 workers, had in 1995 a turnover of 150 Mptas, of which 52% corresponded to the export. They explain between his main customers Waters of the Rosal (Toledo), the manufacturer of bleaches and detergents Rainbow (Barcelona), Oils Grind (Córdoba), plastic Plavo (Granollers), Sokol (envasadora of oil of seed of sunflower in Krasnodar - Russia), plastic Aurora (Caracas, Venezuela), and plastic Haddad (Chile), for quoting only a few. His products direct preferably to the sectors of packaging (pharmaceutical sector, cosmetic -prepare machines of coextrusión-blown of 3-5 layers-, chemical products), feeding (mineral waters, oil, milk) and transformation of plastics.

Appears 11 The Series Rothowi compose it the models 500, 1500 and 6000, S with a station and D with two stations. In the photo, sopladora Rothowi-500 D with cabezales of coextrusión in 3 or 5 layers. Cabezales Simple, double or triple for PE/PP, PVC/PET-G.

Workshops Pena, S.A., company that dates of 1959, has 85 workers and sales of 900 Mptas in 1995, of which 315 Mptas (35%) corresponded to the export, being Germany, France, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain, United States and Sudamérica the main destinations of the same.
His products head to the manufacturers of machinery of transformation and to the transformers of the plastic. By what refers to the first, between his customers can quote, in Spain, to Mateu i Solé, Ibáñez Extruders, Covex RS Extrusion, Gumix, Margarit-JSW and Eurotecno, among others. Battenfeld, Sandretto, Krauss-Maffei, Krup Kautex, Mir, Pomini and Sidel are some of the customers abroad.
Workshops Pena, S.A. manufactures with 2 technologies his products: by means of process of nitruración and by means of technology bimetálica.
The technology bimetálica implanted in 1985 and consists in recubrir inwardly with alloys extremely resistant to the abrasion and/or corrosion the cylinders by means of a process of centrifugation to temperature controlled and, equally, recubrir the crests of the filetes of the husillos by systems P.T.To. This technology bimetálica is the most advanced worldwide in this type of manufactured and in Spain the only plant that exists is in Workshops Pena, S.A. In Europe only exist five plants of this type.
In how much to the conventional nitruración, of cost more economic, from the past month of August the company has of the new computer system of control "Nitrex" that, joined up to the 2 ovens of 5000 and 2500 mm that has installed in the plant, will guarantee a high quality of the process of nitruración, since it allows to control the learning of the type of nitrides more suitable to the use of the piece, the total elimination if it is precise of the white layer (very dangerous) and the substantial increase of the depth of said layer.
Workshops Pena possesses 100% of the capital of Intosa, company devoted to the repair of cylinders and husillos of plastification that dates of 1975. Intosa Has at present 25 workers and reached in 1995 a turnover of 275 Mptas, 95% of the same to Spanish customers because of the encarecimiento that suppose the costs of transport for the repairs (gone and turn) in export.

Appears 12 The technology bimetálica allows to build cylinders and husillos with alloys perfectly studied to bear specific agents of wear, already are these abrasive, corrosivos or both things at the same time.

Specialised in the project and construction of moulds for injection of thermoplastic, injection and pressesing of thermostable, injection of low pressesure, and moulds for termoconformado with possibility of realisation of pieces prototype and preseries, Tauvi, S.A. realises also coin and matrices, specific toolings, automatisms, calibrate of control, coquillas for gravity and integral studies "keys in hand".
The company possesses two factories situated in Barcelona and Sabadell respectively, with a wide and sophisticated park of machinery CNC and equipment CAD/CAM, and a human team specialised in the same.
Use his products the sectors of automotive sector, white line, brown line, electrical tools, small appliance, electronic, sanitary ware and juguetería among others, so much of the national market as of countries of the EU and Latin America. At present, the company is classified "To" by the GQ P-8 (Allibert Industrie - Eurostyle - Eurotec Manducher - Mecaplast - plastic Omnium - Reydel - STMP - ECIA), and is immersed in the process of obtaining of the norm of quality ISO 9001.

Appears 13 The wide and sophisticated park of machinery of the installations of Tauvi, S.A. in Barcelona and in Sabadell guarantees the quality and precision in the manufacture of the moulds.

Related Companies or Entities

Alimatic, S.L.
Coscollola Cial, S.L.
Equiplast, Expoquimia, Eurosurfas. Fira de Barcelona
ROMI Máquinas España, S.A. - (ex Italprensas Sandretto, S.A.)

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