Equiper, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Equiper, S.L.
Freixa, parcela 4 - Pol. Ind. Massanes
17452 Massanes (Girona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑972874794  
🖷:  +34‑972118191
w:  www.equiper.es
Treatment of raw materials

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Equiper, S.L.

EQUIPER, S.L. was created as such in 1990, focusing on its main activity the processing of raw raw in sectors such as chemistry, food and especially in the field of treatment of plastics and its products.

The continuing evolution of the company, accumulated experience and the technical improvement of our products, in conjunction with our representatives, have allowed to be one of the most prestigious and specialized in peripheral equipment and facilities companies turnkey for plants processing and handling of plastic materials. Automation, complete facilities of transport raw materials, various treatments such as dehumidification and taken off, dosing and mixing, recovery and recycling, thermoregulation, industrial refrigeration, etc., are the usual constants of the day to day focus and diversify our activities in the injection, extrusion, blow molding and thermoforming.

Through the Department of sales and trade delegates in several communities, we are present in all the Spanish geography, space we serve a full service center for advice and Assembly, which joined a stock of common spare parts allows us to guarantee a good personalized for each client, all in direct contact from our facilities, located 40 km to the North of Barcelona.

Our future goal is to continue to expand our presence in the Spanish market, to continue to meet the changing needs of today's markets, and the pair alleged, not to lose the young spirit of evolution that has characterized us since our first sale in the middle of the year 1990...