Schmersal Ibérica, S.L. - Emergency switches

Systems of unemployment dead man: switches of manual validation

When a machine needs to work in a special way, sometimes is necessary desactivar total or partially the devices of protection. In such conditions, the Systems of unemployment dead man or enabling switches manuals, in group with other measures of hygiene, serve to protect to the operario in front of dangerous situations.

These switches serve to enable the signals of control of other control units (for example of dangerous movements). The signals of control of dangerous movements do not have to activate only with the enabling switch. If the loose operator the pulsador, or, in the case of the version of 3 positions, presseses it further of the point of activation, the signal of ‘under way' interrupts by means of the opening forced of a contact NC.

Elan Offers several solutions for the cases in which it require a ‘way enabled'.

The enabling switches present in different versions:

• In shape of mango

• Incorporated in a carcasa of a mobile control, with additional optional functions

• Like independent devices, the most usual are the devices of 3 positions.

The election between the solutions of 2 or 3 positions will depend on each application.

From the punto of the hygiene, the best solution will be always the enabling switch of 3 positions. However, the prolonged use of these devices presents ergonomic problems.

The range includes a model of enabling switch of positions in shape of mango; the enabling switch of positions integrated cheese cheese in a device of mobile control Pilot 0; an enabling switch of positions in shape of mango with pulsador additional; an enabling switch of positions with pulsadores additional integrated cheese cheese in a device of mobile control Pilot 20; the enabling switch of positions with pulsador of unemployment of emergency and pulsador additional, integrated cheese cheese in a device of mobile control Pilot 0; the module of relays of hygiene SRB-ZB-QS (for ZSD ..., ZSD ..., DTAN 5Z ...); The enabling switch of positions for direct installation in frontal signpost; and the process of signals of hygiene with modules of available relays in the market (for ZSD 4..., ZSD 5..., ZSD 6...).