Renishaw Ibérica, S.A.U. - Software for machining processes (drilling, miling, etc)


Software for machines-tool

Picture of Software for machines-tool
Productivity+ Is a complete integrated cheese cheese package of products that provides a method simplified of production of routines of inspection of piece with probe in machining centres.

Now, Productivity+ version 1.03 include new functions, like rotation of coordinates XY, levelled of the 4º axis and three new post-processors for the main controls.

The software Productivity+ distributes like plug-in for the software GibbsCAM or like individual package designated Activate Editor: it allows to program and integrate the reglaje, the control of processes, the inspection, the reglaje of tools and the detection of break of tools in the moment to generate the path of tools.

In addition to the included functions in the first version of the software, the version 1.03 enters other additional advantages for the process of engineering:

If the piece is not perfectly ranged with the axles of the machine, this new function compensates the error and goes back to enter the new data in the control CNC to guarantee that the coordinates are correct. This function reduces the time employed in the reglaje of tools and the cost in tooling.

The version 1.03 allows to locate pieces in the fixation of the 4º axis and use the probe to look for automatically his position. The software updates automatically the coordinates of work, by what is not necessary to locate with precision the fixation of the 4º axis. To the not being necessary any manual intervention, reduces the time employed in the reglaje of tools and the possible errors.

The long list of compatible controls has increased with three new post-processors. Now, the users of the controls Heidenhain, Siemens and the most recent Mori Seiki can take advantage of the advantages of the packages of plug-in GibbsCAM and Activate Editor for Productivity+.

In addition to these indispensable improvements, the users of the plug-in GibbsCAM Productivity+ will enjoy of new additional options, like normal generation to the surface and compatibility with the System of management Tombstone.

An entirely new function to select and do click included in the package of the plug-in GibbsCAM: program automatically normal to the surface to save a big quantity of time and reduce the errors of introduction of manual data. As it suggests the description, only is necessary to select and do click in the surface of a piece to enter automatically the coordinates of inspection in the cycle.