Circutor, S.A. - Data acquisition/registration systems

Circutor Power Studio

Register and visualisation of electrical data: application in 32 bits

Picture of Register and visualisation of electrical data
Power Studio is an application developed by Circutor in 32 bits that registers and visualises electrical data and other analog and digital parameters.

To design this software has had very present the evolution of the telecommunications, to attain a complete tool, simple and first of all very easy to use and to set up. Power Studio allows to the user create connections Ethernet (in addition to the conventional RS232/485) by means of conversores (TCP2RS), or direct connections by means of the range of analysers with direct exit ethernet (CVM96 and 144).

With an alone system of management can communicate a big quantity of analysers and peripherals of control.

Thanks to this technology, the topologies of setting will be able to have diverse structures, what allows to create installations with a cost of minimum installation and a high efficiency. Like this, can control all and each one of the available parameters by communications, like tensions, intensities, instantaneous powers (active, reactive inductiva, reactive capacitativa) or factor of power. Also it can control the frequency, the harmonic in the network, energies in consumption and generation (active, reactive inductiva, reactive capacitativa), maximum demand, etc.

Have included drivers of other peripherals as it could be the case of the centralizador of states and of counters of different magnitudes LM24-M, with which can carry out a system of subcontaje economic (kW, water, gas, steam, etc.).

It integrates modules of analog entrances, analog exits, etc. (CVM-R8-To, CVM-R8-C, etc.).

Besides, also it works like an excellent server web, XML and DDE.