Renishaw Ibérica, S.A.U. - Probes and dimensional sensors


Probe of contact: with capacity to measure geometries in 3D

Picture of Probe of contact

The system RMP600 of Renishaw is a probe of compact contact of high precision, with transmission by signals of radius, that provides all the advantages of the automatic manufacturing of works, in addition to the capacity to measure geometries of pieces 3D complex in machining centres of any size. With a solid manufacture, an electronic system of high technology showed and a transmission of signals with no interferences, the probe of contact RMP600 is, besides, prepared to bear the surroundings of work more adverse.

By means of the technology of detection of effort Rengage patented by Renishaw, the probe RMP600 can reach a level of precision a lot greater that the one who obtains with a standard mechanical probe, by what is the most adapted for an extensive range of applications in which it is indispensable a high precision of measure. The technology Rengage combines some sensors of detection patented with an advanced electronic system that allows to obtain a performance of inspection 3D underneath of the micra in surfaces contorneadas, even with a palpador long.

The galgas of effort also allow that the probe RMP600 can shoot with strengths of contact much lower and consistent, therefore, reduces the flexión of the palpador and the variation of trip to obtain an a lot greater precision. In spite of this precision, does not see engaged his big solidez, since it resists the hits to the same level that other probes for Machine-Tool, leaders of the sector, of Renishaw.

The probe of contact RMP600 is the second of the world in the employment of radiotransmisión of jump of frequencies of wide spectrum (FHSS) of quality showed of Renishaw, used in the actuality in thousands of applications all over the world with the awarded probe of contact RMP60. On the contrary that the systems of transmission of conventional radio, the exclusive system of transmission FHSS of the probe RMP60 does not need to be situated in a channel of radius devoted. The probe and the receptor ‘jump' simultaneously between a sequence of frequencies, allowing that several probes and industrial equipment coexistan perfectly.

Instrumented with a receptor RMI, the probe RMP600 issues signals to long distance with a possibility of imperceptible interference. With the transmissions FHSS for probes established, the frequencies of the RMP600 and the unit RMI jump simultaneously providing some reliable communications. The signal of radius activates also by means of a code M. The system fulfils the rule of radiofrecuencia of the EU, USA, Japan, Canada, Switzerland, Australia and a lot of other countries.

The probe of contact RMP600 of Renishaw supposes a combination of size, precision, reliability and resistance without equal and, for the first time, allows the inspection of high precision in big machining centres and other machines in which it can not guarantee the line of focus between the probe and the receptor. The size of the probe guarantees the access to surfaces cut with short tools and has all the usual advantages of the probes of standard contact of Renishaw, like a lower time of manufacturing, reduction of pieces refused, cost of tooling recessed, control of processes improved, in addition to a performance 3D extraordinary in measurements of high precision in machine.