Mabeconta, S.L. - Identification plates


Plates of identification of industrial equipment: they have a support of fixation and an abrazadera special

Picture of Plates of identification of industrial equipment
Identification for equipment, identification of pipes, points of measurement, in the tanks, cables, boards of switches, pictures of control, etc.

The size and materials of the plates comes determined by the distance of reading, temperature, surroundings and environingingmental conditions.

The system of plates insertables allows to exchange the texts whereas the plate remains.

The plates insertables have a support of fixation and an abrazadera special.

The text insertable builds in free plastic of chlorine Luxotherm with thermal sensors impressesion, resistant to high temperatures (until 85ºC) and to the rays UV. For a greater resistance to the high temperatures (until 250ºC), also is possible the manufacture of the symbols in aluminium.

Under demand can manufacture in Luxolight Plus, luminous plastic. They exist distinct options of impressesion, so much in plastic as in aluminium.