BTB Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial, S.L. - CNC numeric controls


Numerical control: it can manage until 32 axles

Picture of Numerical control
The signature Sipro, represented in Spain by BTB SL, presents the CNC Siax M32, a powerful numerical control that represents a big step forward with regard to the previous models of the signature.

The CNC SIAX M32 can manage until 32 axles with sophisticated functions of interpolation and compensation of tools.

The same central unit integrates, besides, a complete PLC (Programmable Logic Controler).

The central unit M32 is constituted by a microprocessor RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) of 32 bit, that works to 200 MHz., endowed of a FPU (Floating Poin Unit) for the calculate in floating comma, in double precision of 80 bit