Maquinaria Termo Plásticos, S.L. (MTP) - Dosing for plastics

Moretto Genius

Microdosificadores Of high precision

Picture of Microdosificadores Of high precision
Genius Is the solution for the dosage of master or additives during the transformation of the plastic material. The exclusive system of microdosificación with hollow rotor arrives to high levels of precision. Systems monocomponente or bicomponente for applications in machines of small tonelaje.

Based in the speed, the series Genius integrates a wide range of models for each need.

It adapts perfectly to the machine and uses like a dosificador normal. The signpost of control has of a control, to position it according to the exigencias. Besides it has a digital screen to visualise the messages of the user. It is built totally in stainless material and incontaminable, ensuring like this the maximum precision. Genius Is biased for the use combined with the loaders of the series F. Broken 4 operates in base to the weight of the material moldeado.

It possesses the system of dosage Broken, that is to say the most advanced solution regarding microdosificación of precision. Broken extracts easily of the Genius to be able to effect quickly the change of colour.

Based in the feeding to impulses and with adjust direct of the percentage, Genius, reaches levels of very high precision.

When it is necessary dosificar a percentage of master very low, uses Broken 44 bicomponente that dosifica, at the same time, master and virgin material. In this case, Genius operates to level, keeping some microdosificaciones that situate near of the 0,1 grams.

It has an easy opening system that does that the operations of proof and of cleaning of the machine are especially simple. Thanks to a system to infrared rays, the management of the level is very precise. A tube in Pyrex allows a control isual during the treatment of the product. Genius Does not need the mezclador.