Siemens, S.A. - Smart Infrastructure - Chromatographs

Sitrans CV

Microcromatógrafo To determine quickly the can calorífico of the natural gas

Picture of Microcromatógrafo To determine quickly the can calorífico of the natural gas
Siemens, through his division of Products and Industrial Systems, has developed a chromatograph, based in microtecnologías, that determines the can calorífico of the natural gas with rapidity and precision.

The area of main application of the Sitrans CV is the traffic of natural gas with transfer of custody, for example, in systems of monitory of pipelines, in stations of transfer and distribution of gas and also in terminals of GNL commissioned of liquefaction or regasificación. Lodged in a robust and apt box for atmospheres potentially explosive, the instrument is compact and able to work in extreme environingingmental conditions to temperatures of -20 to +55 °C.

Sitrans CV mounts in the direct vicinity of the pipes of gas,providing the values measured in less than three minutes.

The chromatograph of gases for process Sitrans CV collect all the relative data to the quality of the natural gas and his specific properties -as can calorífico and density- that require the numerous applications of the industry of this type of gas, especially the traffic with transfer of custody. The accuracy of the measurement does not depend on the pressesure of the samples neither of the temperature acclimatise. In the screen can read the results of the measurement and resorts to detectors and valves miniaturizadas manufactured with technology MEMS (micro-elecro-mecanical systems), what reduces to the minimum his consumption of gas bearer and of current, doing unnecessary a room of instruments analysis. Like the detectors have an excellent linealidad, the only that requires is gas of calibración, what abarata more still the costs of exploitation and increases the availability. The new Sitrans CV is besides very reliable because it optimises of automatic way the parameters of measure with each calibración.

Of compliance with ISO 6976, the new chromatograph of gases of process determines the chemical composition, the powers caloríficos maximum and minimum, the index Wobbe and the density of the natural gas. The analyzable components are the methane, the nonano, the nitrogen, the carbon dioxide and many others. An internal system of conmutación of samples allows to measure until four currents. The accuracy of measurement surpasses 0,1% and the repetibilidad is upper to 0,01%. The limit of detection of the pentano and upper hydrocarbons moves between the 10 and the 50 ppm.

The modularidad of the instrument simplifies and accelerates his maintenance: all the components devoted to the analysis, included the oven, are lodged in a "analytical module" that substitutes in five minutes with only unplug and enchufar, reducing to half hour the time of maintenance. The software based in Windows distinguishes by his ease of handle, simplicity and transparency. A system of protection by password inhibits the unauthorised accesses to the parameters of the instrument and to the results of the analysis, whereas a newspaper documents without lagoons all the alarms and interventions.