Intermaher, S.A. - Lathing centres

Mazak Hyper Quadrex

Lathing centres CNC: with 2 cabezales and 2 towers, upper and inferior

Picture of Lathing centres CNC
The Series Hyper Quadrex is thought for work of bar splitting of maximum diameters of 65 mm. It has of two cabezales of tornear confronted and two towers (upper and inferior). So much the upper tower like the inferior have of axis And. Usually, the programming of this type of machines, that have a lot of axles, results complex. It is necessary a lot of attention to warn interferences. However, the intelligent machines of Mazak include the utilities of programming of the CNC Matrix, that simplify enormously this work.

Can simulate the mechanised, warn possible collisions, etc. By all this, these machines can use no only for big series, but also for small batches.

The machines have an excellent accessibility for the operario. Both cabezales of tornear are integrated cheese cheese, giving a power of 20 HP and 5.000 rpm the first and 15 HP and 6.000 rpm the second, using threads sobredimensionados to optimise his rigidity. The motorised tools have of 7,5 HP of power. The maximum diameter of mechanised is of 300 to 344 mm.

Optionally, the machines can incorporate a manipulador to download the pieces finished to the outside by means of a strip transportadora, allowing a continuous productive operation neglected.