SSI Schaefer Sistemas Internacional, S.L. - Plastic containers

Schäfer KMB

Container: apilable And encajable

Picture of Container
The container KMB apilable encajable of SSI Schäfer are of conical type. Apilado Is smart to store and fit to transport.

Available in two versions, with bars of apilado or cover abatibles allows the apilamiento of full containers for a compact storage. However, once empty, allow the transport with an aprovechamiento of 75% of the space, thanks to the encajabilidad of the same.

It is available in a big rank of measures from the 300 x 200 x 153 mm until 800 x 400 x 323 mm.

For an apilado safe of the container, the KMB can supply with bars of apilado provistas of a system of exclusive blockade that prevents an accidental fall of the containers apilados. Also they can supply with cover abatibles sellables.

The inner smooth surface allows the maximum aprovechamiento of the content and the sides facilitate the application of labels and bar codes.

To protect the content exists the possibility to incorporate a closing with key.

Another interesting advantage is the availability of versions with floor reinforced in the containers of measures 600 x 400 mm, guaranteeing a drop deformabilidad under big loads. Besides, in all the containers can have perforaciones for drainage.

Given his conical form, this typology of container could be susceptible to elevate in front of an accumulation of the same in a way of rollers.