Beckhoff Automation, S.A. - Industrial computers (Industrial PCs)


Compact industrial PC: high hygiene of data

Picture of Compact industrial PC
The Industrial PC Beckhoff C6930 incorporates in his thin chassis of aluminium all what a modern industrial PC needs: a basic plate Beckhoff of 3½ inches, conceived for Intel Core Duo or Core2 Duo, numerous interfaces of PC, until three ports Ethernet for, for example, the systems of control based in EtherCAT, as well as interfaces of bus of optional field for the systems of classical bus. The C6930 offers a high hygiene of data thanks to the system Raid integrated cheese cheese for the reflection of hard disks.

The C6930 has a controller Sata-Raid integrated cheese cheese to reflect two hard disks. In this way it can execute the application Raid, compatible with the software of automation TwinCAT. Can apply a disk Flash in shape of card Compact Flash (CF) or like disk of solid state (SSD) complementary to the hard disk or substituting to the hard disk. The result is a high hygiene of data that can increase with the functionality SAI expandable of optional form.

The equipment of the C6930 includes two cover of free connectors for additional interfaces integrated cheese cheese of factory as, for example, for RS232, sound or other two ports USB. Of optional form can connect through a slot Mini-PCI free the interfaces of bus of field for Profibus, CANopen, DeviceNet, Sercos; a third port Ethernet or a module by heart Novram for the storage to proof of failures of the data of processes.

The Industrial PC C6930 compact is especially indicated for the application like central unit of a system of control based in EtherCAT. Instrumented with two ports Ethernet of series and one optional, offers an optimum performance for all the tasks of a system of control EtherCAT.