Intermaher, S.A. - Lathing centres

Mazak Megaturn Nexus 900 y 900 M

Centres of vertical turning: it mechanises big pieces

Picture of Centres of vertical turning
With the design of the new range of vertical lathes MEGATURN NEXUS, Yamazaki Mazak has created a machine with a lot of more versatilidad that the one who can find at present in conventional vertical lathes.?on un Innovative and very robust design of mobile column, similar to the one of a centre of mechanised horizontal, the new Megaturn Nexus  allows to mechanise of form more efficient big pieces, reducing of important form the interferences.%aOtra Innovation is his optional automatic warehouse for bars of mandrinar. This system, in addition to increasing the number of htas. Available of 12 to 23, allows to delete interferences when suppressing long tools of the area of work.%aPermite A maximum diameter of work of 920mm with a volteo of 1000mm and a maximum height of piece of 800mm. The maximum weight of admissible piece is of 3000Kgr (included dish). The positioning of the axes X - Z is of 24mts/min.%takes treats of a machine of big rigidity (14 tonnes) with a big capacity of start of shaving. It has of a cabezal of tornear of 40hp and a pair engine of 3655Nm allowing happened of desbaste of until 8 mm in radius and advances of 0,8mm with materials like the S45C. Optionally it can incorporate tools to mill of 10hp as well as cambiador of double pallet.? The advanced control Mazatrol Matrix that includes of series the conversational programming language Mazatrol as well as an EIA/standard ISO and a series of functions that define it like intelligent machine.