Circutor, S.A. - Data acquisition/registration systems

Circutor LM4A-210-M

Centralizador Of analog and digital signals: compatible with any probe of field that have of exit 0...20

Picture of Centralizador Of analog and digital signals
In so only 4 modules DIN the team centralises 4 analog entrances of the type 0... 20 mA, 2 digital entrances free of tension and 2 exits of relay. The team is provisto of a bus of communication RS- 485 with protocol Modbus/RTU, that allows the supervision in real time through a master system of communication (SCADA). The team is compatible with the software of supervision PowerStudio and PowerStudio SCADA.

Telegestión Of the 2 digital exits:

Function of relay opened

Function of relay closed

Function of impulses

The LM4To-2IO-M allows of simple form monitor and control any signal of industrial process of remote form thanks to the software of energetic management PowerStudio / PowerStudio SCADA.

Supervision of the 2 digital entrances:

free Entrances of tension

Detection of the logical state of the gone in

Centralisation of digital impulses received by external counters (= 10 Hz)

Monitoring of the 4 analog entrances:

analog Signals of the type

0...20 / 4... 20 mA

1024 points of resolution (10 Bits)

Compatible with any probe of field that have of exit 0...20 mA (Barometers, thermometers, pressesure gauges, anemometers, probes of humidity, caudalímetros, digital weathercocks, luxómetros, etc.