Wittmann Battenfeld Spain, S.L - Special flow meters

Wittmann Serie 301

Caudalimetros: discharge 0-30 l/min. by circuit

Picture of Caudalimetros
The regulator of optimum discharge for big machines of moldeo by injection and by blown: His low fall of pressesure does it adapted for the biggest volumes of discharge. However, through a special design of the regulatory valves also can attain an excellent regulation and exact reproduction of the volume and the temperature of the water of refrigeration in the distinct circuits of moulds for lower discharges.

Technical specifications:

- Rank of flow by circuit: standard 0 – 30 l/min.

- To application: To the, cones of PVC.

- Standard: connections of mould of 13 mm with manguito threaded G 3/8" of brass.

- To application: with connector for hoses of 1/2”, or connector of 20 mm for hoses of 3/4”.