Kineo Ingeniería del tráfico, S.L. - Vehicle identification systems

Applications of control vehícular: developed under demand

Picture of Applications of control vehícular
The bows inductivos detect the variation of metallic mass that happens on the zone covered by the bow, that is to say, detect the step or the presence of a vehicle, and can differentiate between diverse types of vehicles, and determine his length.

The cables and the piezoelectric sensors detect the step of the wheel of a vehicle on the wire or sensor from speeds so low like 1 km/h, and provide an electrical signal that it is proportional to the pressesure exerted by the wheel of the vehicle on the sensor. With sensors of good linealidad can determine the weight of the axis that happens on the sensor.

The sensors in base to optical fibre are the only that allow to detect the step of the axis of a vehicle in conditions of start – stopped or of course to turn of wheel, that is to say, allow to detect the step of a vehicle from really “0” km/h. Besides, this type of sensors are immune to the vibrations, to the electrical noise, to the download of rays, etc.