Fagor Automation, S.Coop. - HMI terminals and screens

Fagor Remote Counter Station Sercos (RCS-S)

Analog interface device: for machines with analog controller management

Picture of Analog interface device
It is an I/O module that allows to connect through the interface up to 4 dimensions reading devices and manage up to 4 analog outputs, ideal, therefore, for the management of machines with analog controller.

Thanks to the RCS-S device that connects to the real bus - time fast (the same used for its digital controllers) Sercos, possible reading of dimensions and the management of engines with performance close to the digital controllers.

The RCS-S allows to process signals of different types of digital encoders of various levels of requirements: TTL incremental encoders for economical, incremental solutions 1 Vpp for systems of high precision as well as the absolute encoders of Fagor and other brands. Its analog outputs are high resolution (16-bit) to allow a precise and fluid Motors control.

With this I/o module, Fagor increases the possibilities of using their CNCs and transducers in applications with drive or other analog devices, without losses in terms of performance. Especially expected use on a massive scale in special machining applications, and applications of retrofit, where it is sometimes possible to use motors and controllers installed without having to replace them with a great reduction of costs; and also without giving up performance.