Circutor, S.A. - Filters, line protection

Circutor AFQ

Active filter multifunción: it corrects the disequilibrium of currents between phases

Picture of Active filter multifunción
The AFQ is an active filter multifunción able to realise simultaneously several tasks and establish an order of priority. Between his main characteristic fits to stand out the following:

Filtered immediate of all the harmonic until the 5º (2500 Hz), allowing filtered selective for each order of harmonic.

It corrects the disequilibrium of currents between phases and compensates the reactive power.

This active filter multifunción has of protections in front of possible resonances, sobretensiones, sobrecorrientes and temperature.

The AFQ allows the visualisation by display graphic of the state of the installation before and after the connection of the filter, showing among others, the harmonic content, tensions, currents, powers, etc.