Yaskawa Ibérica, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Yaskawa Ibérica, S.L.U.
Av. del Segle XXI, 69
08840 Viladecans (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑936303478  
w:  www.yaskawa.es

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Yaskawa Ibérica, S.L.U.

YASKAWA, with an annual production of 1,6 million variators, 800.000 servos and 22.000 industrial robots, is the first world-wide supplier in the sector Motion Control & Robotics.
Founded in 1915, Yaskawa Electric Corporation has a staff of 8.000 employees and generates an upper turnover to the 2.500 million euros.
The variators of frequency J7, V7, J1000, V1000, To1000, for quoting only some of the models manufactured by YASKAWA, are extraordinarily popular to world-wide level.
Of equal way, YASKAWA is leader in production of servomotors and servoconvertidores, with models like the successful Sigma V and Junma.
The range of robots Motoman, of YASKAWA, is the widest of the market, including specific robots for applications of welding, cutting, sealed, paletizado, folded, load-download of machines tool, setting, assembling, polishing, deburring, mechanised, manipulation and painting, with robots with useful loads from the 3 until the 800 kg
YASKAWA is one of the main manufacturers of industrial robots with an upper installed park to the 200.000 units all over the world.
YASKAWA Iberian offers the complete supply of robots Motoman, including learning, programming, project, set up, spare parts, preventive maintenance and correctivo.