Tecnospiro Machine Tool, S.L.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Tecnospiro Machine Tool, S.L.U.
Pol. Ind. Pla dels Vinyats , S/N, Nave 1
08250 Sant Joan de Vilatorrada (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑938764359   +34‑938764242  
🖷:  +34‑938767738
w:  www.roscamat.com
Manufacturer of thread forming machines

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Tecnospiro Machine Tool, S.L.U.

Tecnospiro, S.A. is a company linked to the group Spiroide, manufacturer of gears of precision and mechanisms of mechanical transmission, for the industry of goods of team.

Are situated in the industrial polygon Pla dels Vinyats in the municipality of Sant Joan of Vilatorrada, very near of Manresa, province of Barcelona, occupying a surface in plant of 4.300 m2, and with a staff of 58 collaborators, to level of industrial group.

Have of the most adapted machinery for the manufacture of the most important components of our machines: centre of mechanised CNC, talladoras of mesh of precision for the modules (reductores), equipment of control of gears, rectificadoras of precision, etc.

Ours machines fulfil the European norms of hygiene JOINS-IN ISO 12100-1, JOIN-IN ISO 12100-2 and IN 60204-1 according to directives 98/37/CEE and 89/336/CEE. Our constant work of investigation in the field of the mechanics, has allowed us design the product that present them to continuation, as well as the origin and development of the same.