Combilift Iberia, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Combilift Iberia, S.L.
Ctra. Madrid Irún, km. 233 Antiguas Naves Gromber, Nave 76
09195 Villagonzalo Pedernales (Burgos) Spain
☎:  +34‑947267070   +34‑638826160  

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Combilift Iberia, S.L.

Profile of the company

Combilift Ltd. It formed in 1998 by the highly qualified engineers Martin McVicar and Robert Moffet. With an experience combined in engineering of 40 years, used his technical knowledge and practical experience to develop the last solution for the handle of long loads: The Combilift.

Manufacturada In Ireland, in a plant of 3250 square metres, the technology used in his design and manufacture, ensures a robust construction that caters to the Combilift of a power and time of maximum life.


Combilift Is the first carretilla of the world with engine IC and with traction to the three wheels. In reality it is a combination of carretilla elevador and loaders side. And it is extremely maniobrable, safe, saves costs and, of course, with an exceptional efficiency.

Can handle loads of until 8 tonnes and until 8 metres (for loads and/or greater heights, consult here), and with his extensive rank of accessories, can treat with what was.