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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Las exportaciones de aceites de oliva baten un nuevo récord por quinto año consecutivo

The exports of oils of olive beat a new record by fifth consecutive year


23 July 2012

The European Program of Promotion of the oils of olive does echo of the celebration of the sixth edition of the seminar 'The olive oil. Culture of the past, aroma of the present and welfare for the future', that took place of the 16 to 20 July in Santander. During five days,  the speakers tackled the world of the oils of olive from all the fronts, from the structure and economy of the sector, until the last scientific advances, going through the history and the culture of the oil. Alvaro González Coloma, director of the Foundation Communal Heritage Olivarero and codirector of the course beside Carlos Sánchez Laín, director of the Agency for the Oil of Oliva, stood out between the ends of this course “discover, to his more than 80 assistants, the situation in which it finds the sector oleícola, as well as the peculiarities and profits of this only product”.
As it could not be of another form, the economy of the sector was one of the axles on which turned the course. In this sense, Carlos Sánchez Laín, director of the Agency for the Oil of Oliva reviewed the figures of commercialisation of oils of olive in the outside in the last years, “carry four campaigns in record figures of export and direct us to the fifth”. In the first nueves months of campaign have exported 632.100 million tonnes of oil when in the past closed with 827.900 million tonnes, what evidence that this year can surpass again the figure of exports. “This does not fall of the sky. Here it is where are seeing the work of the Interprofesional of the Oil of Oliva Spanish”.

Teresa Pérez, manager of the Interprofesional of the Oil of Oliva Spanish and spokesman of the European Program of Promotion of the Oils of Oliva, devoted good part of his intervention to review one to one the markets in the has realised promotion of the product. The figures show that the campaigns have had a very positive effect in the consumption, very especially in those countries in where they have llevar the different promotional actions of the European Program of Promotion of the oils of olive, the greater program of promotion of the olive oil.

Cata Guided of oils of olive
Cata Guided of oils of olive.
During the last three years the Program has visited tens of cities in Spain, France and United Kingdom and has participated in the main gastronomic evento and agroalimentarios of these three countries and developed the promotion of the product also of Belgium and Holland. Besides it has organised different contests, travel of presses to important producing and exclusive zones catas with the most stood out journalists of each country with the aim to discover to the Europeans the goodnesses peculiarities of this liquid gold as well as show them the secrets in his utilisation, for, in definite, boost his use and consumption. “The results of all this effort are here”, Teresa Pérez quoted the emblematic case of United Kingdom, where Spain exports more than 35.000 tonnes of oils of olive to the year and dominates with holgura the market, with a quota of 58%. Likewise, it stood out that no only they have grown the exports, but also the value added of these sales. Spain leads also the sale of oils of olive packed.
It congratulated of some results that do justice to the effort that has realised the sector that in the trienio of the first extension of norm (2008-2011) has been able of movilizar bottoms by a total of 22 million euros, to what it is necessary to join the contributions like the ones of the European Union, the Spanish government, ICEX, Asoliva or Autonomous Communities, that in total add more than 30 million destined euros to promotion in these first years of reflation of the organisation.
Another of the central subjects of the seminar was the relation between science and oils of olive. By the palace of Magdalena of the Cantabrian capital happened scientists of renown like Eduard Escrich, Ramón Estruch, Francisco Pérez Jiménez or Fernando López Safe that reviewed the works that his equipment are developing on the possible beneficial effects for the health to include in the diet oils of olive.

Likewise, during the course the assistants had the opportunity to discover the aromatic wealth and gustativa of the oils of virgin olive extra through a cata of oils of virgin olive extra, guided by José Antonio Grandson and of a maridaje with distinct dishes, to charge of the restaurador Alberto Moya. Besides they learnt to differentiate between distinct varieties and could know which variety is the most adapted for each recipe.

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