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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La innovación marca la edición más internacional de Alimentaria
To the appointment attended 42.000 foreign visitors, pertinent of 141 countries

The innovation marks the most international edition of Alimentary

David Pozo10/04/2014

If in something agree all the experts and analysts that went through the past edition of Alimentary is that the company that want to keep growing in the current context has to carry like flag the innovation. Thus, spaces like The Alimentary Hub or The Alimentary Experience, in the gastronomic terrain, resulted vital to consolidate the fair like a big platform of internationalisation and projection for the industry agroalimentaria.

Fulfilling with the forecasts, more than 140.000 visitors happened during the cuatros days of celebration by Alimentary 2014. In this way, the living room closed successfully a new edition with the satisfaction generalised of the display units and high expectations to materialise national and international businesses in the next months. Remarkable is the step given in his process of internationalisation with an increase of visitors and meetings of businesses with participants of the five continents to promote the sales to the outside. Like this, it received 2% more than international visitors, arriving to the 42.000, 30% of the total. Besides it attained to summon to more than 600 foreign buyers of high level, 50% more than in 2012. It treats of big importing and distributors of Europe, Asia, Latin America and EE UU that celebrated more than 10.000 meetings of businesses with display units, 25% more than in the past edition.


The president of Alimentary and of Fira of Barcelona, Josep Lluís Bonet, signalled that “the fair has fulfilled his main aim to be support and crowbar in the process of internationalisation of the SMEs of the sector for which the export and the opening to new markets no longer is an option, but a requirement”. By his part, the general director of Alimentary Exhibitions and maximum executive of the living room, J. Antoni Valls, ensured that “this year the living room has stood out by the greater profesionalización and the quality of the assistants, giving the opportunity to the wall of 3.800 companies participants to do business, establish commercial contacts and approach to international markets”.


The innovation, crowbar of our alimentary industry

Was in the space 'The Alimentary Hub' where all the visitors to the living room could know big part of the innovations that could find in this new edition of Alimentary. In the Space Innoval gathered almost 300 new launchings, some of the which received the recognition in the Prizes Innoval 2014. It is the case of Nice Fruit, that presented a revolutionary system to prepare and freeze fruit and vegetables that conserve the same of cool during 3 years, what has cost him carry five of the 14 awards: in the category of frozen products, and also like the best innovation for the channel Horeca (hospitality industry, catering and catering); and like product that marks tendencies in pleasure, health and confidence, and practicidad.

Nice Fruit, with his revolutionary system to prepare and freeze fruit and vegetables, went the big protagonist of the Prizes Innoval 2014...
Nice Fruit, with his revolutionary system to prepare and freeze fruit and vegetables, went the big protagonist of the Prizes Innoval 2014.

In the ránking of rewarded another of the big protagonists was again Nestlé, with four Prizes Innoval by three of his recent launchings. The bombones Nestlé Gold Crème Croquante, elaborated from a fine vasito of chocolate with milk fill up of cremosa crème brulée and a crujiente layer of cookie, topped with an almond caramelizada (Category of sweet); the new Pirulo Jungly, the first and only ice cream that can peel , since it has a coverage of aspic that gives off as if it was the shell of a banana (Better innovation for the Channel Promote); and the system 'Substantial to the frying pan' of Maggi, a new culinary help to prepare pechugas of chicken to the frying pan of an easy way, clean and without adding oil (Categories of dry feeding, dehydrated, preserves and semiconservas; and Better Innovation in the channel Retail).

Besides, and during the four days more than 50 speakers analysed the present and future of the sector in the Congress of the Mediterranean Diet; in the II Forum Nestlé of Creation of Value Added on the nutritional challenges of the 21st century and the meetings FIAB of Innovation and Technology, between other reports.
More than 50 speakers went through the different days summoned in the frame of 'The Alimentary Hub'
More than 50 speakers went through the different days summoned in the frame of 'The Alimentary Hub'.

The gastronomy, another of the jewels of the crown

This edition has been definitely the most gastronomic, fundamentally thanks to the proposal 'The Alimentary Experience'. This totally innovative format obtained an excellent received by part of professionals and of the big public, those who could see between stoves to the big figures of the Spanish kitchen, as Joan Rock, Carme Ruscalleda or Pedro Subijana, between many others. In total celebrated more than half hundred of showcookings given by more than 50 big chefs that in group add 50 stars Michelin. Also in the frame of Alimentary celebrated the final of the Cook of the Year 2014, after the five semifinals contested previously in Jerez of the Border, Boroughs, Murcia, Barcelona and Galicia. The award recayó in the Alicante cook Joaquín Baeza, owner of the Restaurant Baeza & Rufete situated in the Beach of San Juan of Alicante.


Neither was missing space for other gastronomic activities allocated specifically to the world of the wine, the oil and the cheeses. 5.000 people participated in the space of tasting of oils, more than 10.000 in the one of wines (Vinorum) and more than 2.000 in Spain, the Country of the 100 cheeses.

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