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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El ministro Arias Cañete inaugurará el XXVIII Salón de Gourmets

The minister Arias Cañete will inaugurate the XXVIII Living room of Gourmets


14 February 2014


The Living room of Gourmets (SG), the greater European fair devoted in scoop to the product delicatessen and that will open his doors of the 10 to 13 March in Madrid, will be inaugurated by the minister of Agriculture, Feeding and Environingingment, Miguel Arias Cañete. After twenty-seven years being the pioneers and the point of reference of lovers of the exclusive, Madrid goes back to transform in the world-wide capital of the products of high range.

The SG is the only of his gender in all Europe and an exceptional opportunity to know the last novelties, convirtiendose in a shop window of the last tendencies. His success roots in that the assistants find with a space in which the dialogue, the commercial exchanges, the activities and, especially, the products are excellent.

This event without parangón, organised by the Group Gourmets, is a shop window to give to know to the world the very wide sample of the gastronomic wealth, no only Spanish but also foreign. The variety of products delicatessen, indisputable protagonists, consolidate the fair like the big annual appointment for the experts of the sector. Four days that trasformarán the city in the shop window of the international gastronomic avant-garde.

Besides, by fourth consecutive year Group Gourmets collaborates with the Bank of Foods of Madrid in the collected of products that later will distribute between charitable entities. The past year achieved to accumulate 4.500 kg.

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