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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Uvesa iniciará en primavera la construcción de su incubadora en la Ciudad Agroalimentaria de Tudela

Uvesa Will initiate in spring the construction of his incubator in the City Agroalimentaria of Tudela


29 January 2014

The company tudelana Uvesa will initiate in spring the construction of his new incubator of chickens in the City Agroalimentaria of Tudela (CAT). This project will suppose an investment of 9 million euros and the creation of 15 places of direct work and 55 indirect.

The signature tudelana finishes to obtain the licence of activity awarded by the city council and his intention is to begin the works between the months of March or April. The construction of the incubator will prolong during 9 or 10 months, with what the plant will initiate his activity at the beginning of the next year 2015. Now, the company will execute the option of purchase of the terrains that had reserved for this end in the City Agroalimentaria of Tudela (CAT) and will request the corresponding licence of works to begin the works.

As they indicated from Uvesa, the basic project of incubator that was presented does already a year will modify to have a project of concrete execution. In any case, and as they aimed the managers of the signature, the data will not vary too much of the already made public in his day. In concrete, the new incubator of Uvesa will raise on two plots of the CAT that add around 20.000 square metres and that situate in front of the head office of common infrastructures that resupplies of power to all the polygon.

The plant like such will have a surface of 4.000 square metres and an initial production of 750.000 chickens to the week. It will receive the eggs of the hens bred in the own company and after the process of incubation, of 21 days of length, will be cream the chickens that will go to the farms of fatten. Later, these animals will send to the slaughterhouse that Uvesa has in the polygon Mount of Cierzo of Tudela for his sacrifice and back commercialisation.

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