Murcia Cards Solutions, S.L. (Inditar) - Retail management software

Softar Fidelia

Customer loyalty software: to manage campaigns based on any kind of trade cards

Picture of Customer loyalty software
Customer loyalty software, easy to use, but very solid for its features and functionality.

Functions and features:. Customer management with data file of identification (name, address, age, etc.).

. Management quotes, points, promotions and discounts.

. Delivery time for customers of gift cards, credit or discount.

. Accumulation system using rules of balance, discounts, points, etc.. Statistics on purchases made and number of visits, etc. Most profitable customers segmentation to reward their consumption.

. Function POS for accumulation and redemption.

. Promotions of products.

. Definition of conditions of validity of loyalty cards.

. Multi-user management and multi-user.

. Multiple simultaneous loyalty campaigns.

. Assistant rules for each type of card accumulation.

. Reports and tickets with customizable templates.

. Printing of tickets and vouchers for products.

. Printing of personalized mailing.