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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Luis Simões crea un portal web para la gestión de residuos

Luis Simõis creates a portal web for the waste management


18 March 2014

Luis Simõis, integral operator of transport and logistical in the Iberian market, has developed a portal web to optimise the management of the waste derived of his activity. Respect the environingingment is a tangible priority for the company, fact that shows the continuous work of his Cabinet of Environingingment and Sustainable Development (GADS).

Of this dynamics is cream the idea to create a system in which confluyan the multiple parts involved in this process: personnel of the warehouse, GADS, loaderss, agents and final addressees of waste with permission, as well as the Financial departments and of Accounting. In the process it involves also an external collaborator (a quality consultancy) expert in the matter and to the Steering of Systems of Information of Luis Simõis with the end to improve the efficiency and achieve better results.

From the platform of the company LSNet send and receive constant requests oriented to the correct management of existent waste, and indaga constantly in alternatives in the model of management, to reduce the impact without increasing the costs of treatment. Since the tool is fully operative, 80% of the waste generated have been recycled systematically. Besides, the number of incidences registered has descended of considerable way and have established improvements in the systems of turnover, ocasionando a better relation provider-customer. Of 20% remaining, a big part is sent to plants of production of fuel, to companies cementeras or to manufacturers of credit agricultural for his reuse like raw materials.

Luis Simõis holds responsible of the waste generated in his activity, so that they are managed of the best possible way, optimising the treatment and transport of said waste, and reducing costs in the process. The company continues betting like this by the environingingment like integrated value in his activity.

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