
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Centrotécnica presenta un amplio catálogo de novedades en Equiplast 2005

Centrotécnica presents a wide range of novelties at Equiplast 2005

Centrotécnica presents a lot of new features of their represented:


The injectors produced by Italtech are born of a wise and careful, project oriented to the use of components standard, with obvious economic advantages for the transformers; and with the implementation of numerous innovations, as is the system of control Alpha 6 and the spindles profile dedicated to the transformation of materials with high features. Not to mention the use of electric motors regulator by inverters on the spindle of plasticizing with relevant advantages in terms of energy saving certificate, higher productivity and reducing the environmental impact. Italtech proposes today, product lines, both with close to knee hydraulic closing, of the type 2 dishes.

The machine presented at Equiplast 2005 KS series, has 1,300 t of clamping force and incorporates the latest advances in the type of closure 2 dishes, high speed and efficiency. He rides a plastificador special set for injection of PP with long fiber, electrical motor load and inverters; What makes it one of the machines of less energy consumption in the sector.



Hand in hand with the exclusive agent of BOY in Spain C.T. Servicio, S.A., BOY will show 3 injection machines posed a novelty, for his technological contribution.

The applications shown in 12th BOY, BOY 55 M and BOY 90 machines reflect important benefits of the range of injectors BOY. Visitors will have the opportunity to appreciate the high quality and accuracy of the machines of injection BOY.

With the production of gears of precision and a weight of the piece of only 0. 0009g, the 12th BOY (with 129 kN clamping force) will show the advantages of the smaller BOY machine, specializing in microinjection. Two gears of precision per cycle will be made with absolute precision. The only unit of standard plasticizing globally to 12 mm in diameter; It brings decisive for this type of applications. Due to the small diameter and optimized geometry of the spindle, the time of permanence of the material in the plasticizing unit reduces approximately 50% compared with a 14 mm standard unit Likewise, the friction material is reduced significantly. The accuracy and consistency of quality greatly improves. In addition, you can use a wider range of materials.


Industrial Frigo

Centrotécnia presents batteries to direct exchange cooling air/water BRW/HP produced by the Italian specialist in refrigeration and thermoregulation Industrial Frigo systems. The main advantage of equipment is functioning in a closed circuit, allowing cool water at room temperature, replacing the problems and little effective evaporative towers; and allowing a significant energy savings, no need for maintenance and unlimited lifetime of the equipment. The particular technological design of cooling of ndustrial Frigo batteries, has led to apply the BRW/HP series solutions such as an increase in the flow of water in circulation; as well as the flow of cooling air.

Krauss Maffei Extrusion

Centrotécnica Shows the advanced technology of Krauss Maffei Extrusion through a line of extrusion of tubes, designated QuickSwitch, able to change the manufacture of a diameter to another of tube, without detaining the production. Inside a wide rank of measures, the complete line car adjusts to the new dimension of tube selected; and with a merma of hardly 2 metres of tube; it happens of one to another easy diameter and quickly, saving notably in costs, time and limiting the need of stock of the manufacturer. To change of a diameter of tube to another, the operario simply selects the new measure from a list, enters the data in the System of control “QuickSwitch”, and presiona “Start” (Start). The list of available measures, contains all the parameters required for the production of tubes. Once that the measure has been selected, the control “QuickSwitch” adjust all the parameters automatically, of precise form and following some steps prefixed. External diameter of the tube, position of the baboon in the cabezal, hilera, production of material, speed and empty; etc. The secret in the cabezal of the system QuickSwitch is the hilera, of the adjustable type. The hilera together with the baboon form, a conical profile. Changing the axial position of the baboon, is possible to increase or reduce the dimension of the hilera. The baboon is accionado by an external electrical engine.

The position of the baboon and the width of the hilera are regulated by the system of control of the extruder. This technology serves to control the thickness of the wall and the diameter of the tube extruido, with an absolute precision. The bell of succión is a cylinder with small perforaciones, through which aspires the air of the environingingment did inside and contributes to the cooling of the tube.

Centrotécnica shows the advanced technology of Krauss Maffei Extrusion through a line of extruded tubes, called QuickSwitch, able to change the manufacturing of a diameter of tube to the other, without stopping production


Centrotécnica has introduced the combined system of grinding ISVE, with variants and accessories for every need, fast and easy to use, reduced consumption and rumorosidad.

Tritotutto Combi display model is oriented to the recovery of plastic waste, ISVE has planned and carried out a team that combines the advantages of the crusher to four axes; and a mill in line, able to obtain a final grain of 4 - 8 mm. A simple application, simply enter the material from the mouth of the crusher, to obtain the final granule. The team crushed bodies of great volume and remarkable resistance to the Court, with considerable savings in terms of cost of investment and work. For example, a team with mouth of grinding 500 x 660 mm, capable of crushing drums, large parts injected, strained and blocks of molten material; It has a power installed of 27.5 HP. Crushing material does not require a prior court or an operator assistance. There are three different models of 27.5 to 60 HP with Chambers of Court up to 1000 x 800 mm. Possibility to grind hollow bodies, parts injected, cast, melted blocks of purge; with the same machine and without presplitting.



Moditec, represented by Centrotécnica launches a unique system that comes to revolutionize the general concept of security in the recovery of plastic materials. It's a particular conception of the components of the Chamber of grinding of the equipment produced by Moditec, French specialist in the manufacture of the crushers at low revolutions Goliath and Bigger. In the new series MD will have predisposed isolated areas which, in contact with any metal piece, stop immediately team, giving an alarm. This not only prevents costly breakdowns in the crusher and unemployment of the team until its repair; But even damage if the metal parts have been cut and some pieces of these or broken components of the shredder, become material to recover.


Liad spear a team unique in the market, aimed at improving the dosage in processes of injection, called Colorsave 1,000, manufactured by Liad weighing & control systems Ltd. In Israel. It's a small Gravimetric dosing for direct installation on Hopper; capable of saves between 30% and 50% of the masterbatch used, compared to imprecise volumetric systems; What is a significant economic savings for the transformer. Particular the 1,000 Colorsave technology allows dosed with absolute precision the percentage of dye required, which can be optimized through sophisticated control and built-in electronic weighing system. All this in a team of contained dimensions (similar to a volumetric dispenser). On the other hand, the use of this system of Gravimetric dosing ensures excellent stability in production, reduction of costs and rejections, improves the quality of the product; and its ease of installation, use and cleaning, minimizes maintenance.

Related Companies or Entities

Centrotécnica - C.T. Servicio, S.A.
Equiplast, Expoquimia, Eurosurfas. Fira de Barcelona

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