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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at SIG: la respuesta al principio de “quien contamina paga”
A route by the Spanish map of the Integrated cheese cheese Systems of Gestión of Waste

SIG: The answer at the beginning of “the one who contaminates pay”

Víctor Eat20/09/2012
The Integrated cheese cheese Systems of Gestión (SIG) are non-profit entities that allow to the producers fulfil with his obligations in front of the principle of “the one who contaminates pay”, organising the systems of collected of specific waste, and funding to the local entities when they are they those that collect this waste.

The irruption in the legislative panorama of the Integrated cheese cheese Systems of Gestión of Waste has had an important incidence on the traditional gestión of the municipalities and other local entities in Spain in matter of urban waste, converting them with the step of the time in the system-model for the gestión and guarantee of recovery or recycled of the waste.

Ecopilas Is the SIG that commissions of the collected and recycling of batteries and batteries
Ecopilas Is the SIG that commissions of the collected and recycling of batteries and batteries.

To the pioneers SIG, Ecoembes and Ecovidrio have gone adding paulatinamente the SIG of medicines (Sigre), waste of electrical and electronic devices (Ambilamp, Ecolum, Ecofimatica, ERP, Tragamovil...), of phytosanitary ware products (Sigfito), of tyres out of use (Signus), of oils used (Sigaus), etc.

In this way, seem to have found an ideal and generic formula to guarantee the fulfillment of the community principles of gestión of waste in those fields in which it is feasible incidir in the cost of production of those products that will happen to turn into waste after his use or consumption, by what ensures , from the moment of his production, the cost of his treatment like residue.

The common basic object of the SIG is the protection of the environingingment. For the attainment of this object attribute the development of a series of activities that coincide with appearances of the public services of gestión of waste. Like this, for example, and like main activity, collect between the activities of the SIG the establishment and gestión of systems of collected, transport, tank or storage, valorisation, treatment, elimination and control of included waste in his respective material fields of performance, included the surveillance of these operations and of the places of download after his closing.

Ecovidrio, one of the SIG pioneering in Spain, is the responsible system of the collected and recycling of the containers of glass...
Ecovidrio, one of the SIG pioneering in Spain, is the responsible system of the collected and recycling of the containers of glass.

Likewise, between these activities the Statutes stand out also the one to collaborate and subscribe agreements with the diverse administrations, institutions and organisms of the State, already are of state character, autonomic, provincial, local or local.

In Spain have constituted diverse SIG to guarantee the gestión of the distinct types of waste that generate according to the rule. To continuation mention some of them:

Batteries and accumulators

Ecopilas: In the year 2000 constituted the Foundation for the Environingingmental Gestión of Batteries, Ecopilas, like answer of the sector of batteries and batteries at the beginning of corresponsabilidad of the producers on the gestión of the waste derived of these once arrived products at the end of his useful life. The founders of Ecopilas represent to 70% of the sector in Spain. The patronato of Ecopilas is formed by Energizer, Cegasa, Philips, Sony, Kodak, Anged (Grouping of companies of the Big sector distribution) and Asimelec.

Electrical and electronic devices

Ambilamp: Integrated cheese cheese System of Gestión of the waste of diverse types of lamps (fluorescent, ahorradoras compact integrated cheese cheese and no integrated cheese cheese and lamps of download). Ambilamp has been created by Philips, Osram, silvania and GE.

Ecolec: Devoted to the categories of big appliances, small appliances, electrical or electronic tools, instruments of surveillance or control and machines expendedoras. It has constituted by the National Association of Manufacturers of Appliances of White Line (Anfel) and the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Small appliance (Fape).

Ecolec Is the SIG created by the National Association of Manufacturers of Appliances of White Line (Anfel) and the Spanish Association of...
Ecolec Is the SIG created by the National Association of Manufacturers of Appliances of White Line (Anfel) and the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Small Appliance (Fape).

Ecosig: Platform of services of different SIG, between which find Ecolec, Ecopilas, Ecoasimelec, Foundation Ecofimatica and the Foundation Tragamovil.

Ecolum: Devoted to the category of devices of lighted up. Constituted by the association of manufacturers of luminarias, earn a tax that appears collected in the available price of the products, as it collects the law, and put to disposal of his associated containers in the distributors for the tank of the materials and a service of collected and replacement of the same under demand.

Ecoraees: Is a SIG devoted to the it and his components and also to the batteries and batteries. It represents to distinct companies of assemblers and manufacturers of components of computers.

Ecotic: Devoted to the categories of big appliances (Devices of Air Conditioned), equipment of it and telecommunications, electronic devices of consumption, toys, medical devices and instruments of Surveillance and Control. Founded by a group miscellaneous of companies of manufacturers to fulfil with the obligations that establishes the Royal decree.

ERP: European consortium devoted to the categories of big appliances, small appliances, equipment of it and telecommunications, electronic devices of consumption and batteries and batteries. The European Recycling Platform was founded on 23 December 2002, like SIG of Electrical and Electronic Waste, and in reply to the Directive of the EU on RAEE. ERP Was founded by Braun, Electrolux, HP and Sony with the intention to develop a platform of recycling of European field.

Light containers and paper-cardboard

Ecoembes: Is the SIG that manages the collected and recycled of the waste of containers in Spain. It is organised and designed by the Society Ecoembalajes Spain S.A., that constituted in 1996, before the entrance in force of the LERE. Once authorised by the Autonomous Communities (at present in all) realise negotiations with the different City councils that culminate in agreements of collaboration for the collected selective of the containers in each municipality. Usually they are the City councils or corresponding local entities those who initiate or continue loaning the services of collected selective of this waste, with his own means or in the planned forms in the local legislation and of agreements, assuming Ecoembes the financials of the extracoste that supposes the collected selective of the containers with regard to the traditional collected of waste. To guarantee this financials, the companies envasadoras adhered contribute to the SIG a quantity established by each container put in the market, quantity that varies in function of the weight and material of the container and that gives them the right to identify the container with the green point. All the entry obtained with this system allocates to fund the activities of the SIG. In other occasions, the less, Ecoembes collects directly the residue of installed containers by the System.

Ecoembes Is the SIG that manages the collected and recycled of the waste of containers of plastic...
Ecoembes Is the SIG that manages the collected and recycled of the waste of containers of plastic, of cardboard for beverages and feeding and of metal in Spain.

Containers of glass

Ecovidrio: Is the SIG that manages the collected and the recycled of the waste of containers of glass in all Spain. For this signs agreements with the different Public Administrations with the object to realise this gestión of two forms: by direct gestión of Ecovidrio, in whose case is Ecovidrio the one who installs the containers of glass and commissions of all the necessary technical operations (maintenance, cleaning, replacement), in addition to realising the collected and the transport of the waste; or by gestión of the local body, in whose case the provision of the service corresponds to the City council, that is the one who realises directly the installation, the maintenance, the cleaning of the containers and the collected and the transport of the waste. In this case Ecovidrio will fund to the local entity the difference between the cost of the ordinary system of collected, transport and treatment of urban waste in dump controlled and the cost of the specific service for the gestión of the residue of glass.

You pack pharmaceutical sector

Sigre: Is the SIG that manages so much the containers of medicines like the own medicines that these can contain pertinent of the homes, ensuring the elimination of a form controlled of these rests of medicines and the recovery of the material of the containers to proceed to his recycled with the purpose to avoid that they mix with another domestic waste or pour to the drains, making possible the reuse of those materials that can be recycled (paper, glass, plastic, cardboard, .) And the aprovechamiento energetic of the rests of medicines. For the collected of this waste takes advantage of the same channel of distribution used by the pharmaceutical industry to commercialise his products, installing in the pharmacies specific containers in which the consumers deposit the waste of containers and containers with rests of medicines, once consumed these.

Phytosanitary ware containers

Sigfito: Was the first SIG created for the gestión of a residue considered dangerous. It commissions of the collected selective of the phytosanitary ware containers to give them an environingingmentally suitable destination. Sigfito Realises the collected of his waste in centres of agrupamiento that organises by means of the own distributors and cooperative of supply, points of sale, agents or municipal clean points.

Sigfito, that commissions of the collected selective of the phytosanitary ware containers...
Sigfito, that commissions of the collected selective of the phytosanitary ware containers, went the first SIG created for the gestión of a residue considered dangerous.

Tyres out of use

Signus: Is a SIG of gestión of tyres out of use, originariamente founded by the producers of tyres of replacement Bridgestone Hispania, Continental Throw, Goodyear-Dunlop Iberia, Michelin Spain and Portugal and Pirelli Pneumatics, and to the that can adhere in equality of conditions concerning the partners founders any one producing companies of tyres of replacement that request it. The operation of Signus follows the typical model of the SIG previous. The tyres used generated in the workshops accredited when realising the change of tyres to the customers deliver without cost any, to application of the workshop, to the agent hired by Signus for the collected. The tyres used download and classify separating those that can be used like tyres of occasion or for recauchutado of the rest, that transports like tyre out of use to the Centres of Transformation hired by Signus. In the centres of transformation the tyres subject to industrial processes of triturado or granulated for his back valorisation.

Industrial oils used

Sigaus: Is an integrated cheese cheese system of gestión of a dangerous residue: the oils used. Sigaus Purchases between his obligations the one to adopt the necessary measures so that the waste of oils put in the market by the manufacturers adhered to this integrated cheese cheese system of gestión are collected of selective form and have a correct environingingmental gestión, guaranteeing the fulfillment of the aims of collected, regeneration, recycled and valorisation signalled by the valid legislation for the oils used. For this, Sigaus funds the costs generated by said collected selective, the transport and the correct environingingmental gestión of the waste of oils put in the market by the producers adhered, as well as of all the necessary operations for the operation of the integrated cheese cheese system of gestión.

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