Russell Finex Ltd. - Dosing bag systems

Russell Compact 3in1 Sieve

Station of tamizado and casting of sacks: ideal to realise tamizados of hygiene

Picture of Station of tamizado and casting of sacks

The station of tamizado and casting of sacks Russell Compact 3in1 Sieve is designed especially for the casting of sacks and tamizado of hygiene of products ensacados

has designed specifically to realise tamizados of hygiene of ingredients fed manually by means of casting of sacks, in which the protection of the operario is essential and the quality of the product has to be above any criticism. Because of his compact design and to the optimum space between the exit of the tamizadora and the floor, the station of tamizado 3in1 can incorporate without problems to his process of production.

His use is especially adapted in the sectors of feeding and pharmacy.


· Desmontaje and simple cleaning without the need of tools.

· Provided with interchangeable meshes detectables magnéticamente to adapt to the distinct requirements of application.

· It connect a unit of extraction equipment equipment of dust to the bell to delete with rapidity the dust.