Russell Finex Ltd. - Sorters

Russell Turbo Sieve

Rotary tamizadora to remove contaminants from dry products: screen without vibration

Picture of Rotary tamizadora to remove contaminants from dry products

The rotating tamizadora of Russell Finex, called Turbo Sieve, is a not vibradora tamizadora. A set of blades drivers tour at high speed into a stationary cylindrical sieve, which causes the material to pass through the static sieve by centrifugal action.

Rejected particles are retained by the mesh and the leaves of the blades move along the basket of the sieve to exit of rejection on the end of the basket of screening.

The material that is going to sift feeds first at the entrance of the machine. Then the spiral takes the input material and pushes it through the axis of transmission to the main body of the machine.

The leaves of the set of blades rotating collect the product and passed it through the sieve with the centrifugal force towards the exit of fine materials.

The rejection will be retained in the interior in the mesh basket and leaves of blades drivers move it towards the exit of rejection which is expelled out of the machine.

Finally, larger mesh material leaves the basket for collection.