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950 companies will be presents in this edition

The industry of the packaging international has an appointment in Barcelona: Hispack 2012

Editorial Interempresas04/04/2012
With the edition of 2012 that will take place of the 15 to 18 May in Fira of Barcelona, Hispack consolidates like the forum of packaging of reference in the south of Europe. The number of display units, the variety of sectors represented, the integration in an alone space of all the actors that take part along the process of packaging and the parallel activities for reflexionar around the sector confer to Hispack an only personality. This year, the impulse to the internationalisation and the increasing presence of the logistics will mark an edition that pretends to be the revulsivo necessary to face the next years with solidez and hitting in the proposals and strategies of the companies of the sector.

Hispack Contributes global solutions of packaging integrating in an alone fair the complete process. Like this, the machinery and the accessories of packaging suppose 48% of the display units, gone on down the prime and material matters (21%). The machinery for labelled, bottled, the quality consultancy, the recycling and the PLV also will be presents, as well as the logistics.

Presentation of the fair during the contest Fespa 2012 in Barcelona
Presentation of the fair during the contest Fespa 2012 in Barcelona.

At the same time, Hispack answers to the needs of packaging of all the industrial states and of consumption, congregando to managerial heights of the chemical sector, chemist, droguería and cosmetic and perfumery, in addition to the of the feeding and the beverages. For all they contribute concrete solutions to specific needs.

The aggregation of all the subsectores of the offer as well as the attraction of the main markets of demand convert to the living room in the most useful platform for the business.

The Hispack more logistical

In this edition, Hispack improves the logistics in his offer and activities: technology, software, equipment and services intralogísticos and, in definite, those systems that contribute to optimise the processes and the operations of packaging, manipulation, storage and movement of materials and products in the interior of the companies. The bows and sinergias of the logistics with the industry of the packaging are increasingly strong and thus Hispack 2012 goes to do upsetting in offering to the managers of operations solve global to integrate, synchronise and range his internal processes with the chain of supply.

Javier Laughed-Marsa and Xavier Pascual, president and director of Hispack
Javier Laughed-Marsa and Xavier Pascual, president and director of Hispack.

The living room collects this need and links it to the containers and packagings, elements that bear no only operational functions and of marketing (trazabilidad, grouping of units, promotions, information, image of mark, innovations of use, etc.), but they result indispensable in the phases of production and distribution.

The companies participants in this sector will be able to present his products and services intralogísticos and, at the same time, the visitor of the living room will have the opportunity to visualise complete solutions with which improve the logistical intern of the company and do it more competitive.

Program of activities

In addition to the space for display units, Hispack 2012 presents a diary of parallel activities that will serve to take the pulse of the industry of the packaging, know tendencies and look for integral solutions to the needs of the visitors. For the 950 display units that will be presents, will be an opportunity to know at first hand the last novelties and establish contacts so much national like international, since three of each four visitors have power of purchase or prescription in his companies.

Like this, Hispack 2012 constitutes like an authentic forum on packaging, with the following activities stood out, that will go detailing along the next weeks:

• III Meetings Hispack R&D, centred in the new developments in materials and technologies of packs and packaging; the network Cost Action FP1003 (on the impact of the renewable materials in the packaging).

• Appetizerss of Branding, with cases of success on design in packaging, organised by AEBRAND and Ipmark

• Days of packaging, on machinery, design and novelties, of the hand of Graphispack, IEEE and Spanish Club of the Packaging

• VIII Forum of the flexible packaging

• Conference organised by the Iberian Grouping of Manufacturers of Stock exchanges of Paper on the current juridical frame

• young Day of the packaging

• Days around the distinct materials of the packaging organised by BCME, AEDA, Aspack, Aenor, Aimplas, Cabbage•legi of Disseny Gràfic of Catalonia, ACSA, AEM, Itene and Cost Action.

Examples of flexible containers in a stand of Hispack 2009
Examples of flexible containers in a stand of Hispack 2009.
Sample of active containers in Hispack 2009
Sample of active containers in Hispack 2009.

For the first time, Hispack will create the Speak Corner: two open spaces inside the living room in which they will realise brief presentations on different subjects related with the packaging, giving voice to the protagonists so much of the offer as of the demand. It treats of brief conferences, of 30 minutes of length, around questions like the design, the materials or the machinery. The aim is that they are dynamic and interactive talks with presence of final companies to exchange experiences and points of view, looking for jointly new solutions for the different processes.

With all these activities, Hispack wants to promote the debate, the reflection and the exchange of ideas around the packaging. This same spirit is the one who hides behind the Grandstand Hispack, a permanent shop window of the tendencies and opinions of the sector spread through the web of Hispack and of previous activities to the celebration of the contest.

In the frame of Hispack&Bta 2012 will effect the delivery of the Prizes Liderpack 2011, that this year have distinguished with award them main to two projects of packaging, one for the beer Damm Inedit and another to renew the hoppers of coffee, and one of PLV, designed for Michelin.

Image of the previous edition of the contest
Image of the previous edition of the contest.

Hispack, with the SMEs

Hispack 2012 wants to facilitate the participation of SMEs in the edition of 2012, with the aim that all the companies can be presents in the fair, independently of his size, and take advantage of the opportunities of business of a living room with more than 40.000 visitors that bets by the internationalisation and the innovative solutions for the processes of packaging.

For this, the living room has subscribed agreements with 16 associations that integrate the chain of the packaging so that, through these, the SMEs can hire small stands modular to an affordable price.

Clara bets by the internationalisation

The living rooms Hispack & Bta, that will celebrate of conjoint form of the 15 to 18 May 2012 in Fira of Barcelona, do in this edition a bet decided by the internationalisation. Both organisations have put the focus in the Mediterranean axis, Latin America and some emergent countries like Indian and China, prioritarios in his strategic plan of catchment of visitors.

The internationalisation erige like main focus in this edition thanks to the conjoint work between the team organiser of Hispack and Bta. With institutions and associations of the sector between which stands out especially Amec. His international positioning will go back to situate the announcement ferial like the first south of Europe directed to the sector of the alimentary machinery and the packs and packaging so much for the sector of the feeding as for the cosmetic, perfumery and pharmacy, amongst other.

Thanks to these sinergias shared, Bta. & Hispack Will reinforce his international dimension and will situate between the first fairs of the sector in Europe in 2012, turning into a referent for the sector in the international field. Like this, a substantial part of the 45.000 planned visitors, roughly 8%, 3.600 professionals will be international. The living rooms of packaging and technologies of the feeding Bta. & Hispack Have selected like preferential markets of demand markets of the Mediterranean area, Latin America and emergent countries like China, India, Saudi Arabia, Russia and Ukraine.

The living rooms opt for intensifying his international dimension and, of this form, contribute to dinamizar the business of the Spanish companies expositoras, that will receive like this the visit of international buyers with a high potential of decision of purchase in his organisations.

In the edition of 2012, also increases the presence of foreign companies like expositoras. It foresees that they attend to the conjoint appointment more than 1.400 companies, of which 25% was international, with special attention to countries like Turkey, Denmark and China.

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