
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at El diseño industrial liga a las empresas a funciones no bien resueltas
Since 1998, Spain is situated between the main producers of machine tool ahead of United Kingdom and France

Industrial design League business functions not well resolved

Drafting MU22/06/2007
The machine tool companies have a strong exporter character, its competitors are foreign companies, with structures and resources above, belonging to countries with a more developed in industrial design culture, according to the survey. In the international classification of the main producers of machine tool, Japan is first, followed by Germany and United States. Spain occupies the eighth position with nearly 900 million dollars. Since 1998, Spain is situated between the main producers of this sector ahead of United Kingdom and France. In the European Union lies in third place behind Germany and Italy.
The machine tool sector is subdivided into two key areas which are called boot of chips and deformation. Each of the sectors is divided in turn into different subsectors whose representation rates are reflected in the following figures:

In the classification of the main producers of machine tool, Japan is first, followed by Germany and United States. Spain occupies the eighth position with nearly 900 million dollars

Take into account that some of the surveyed companies, although they are positioned in a sector, manufactured products in different segments.

Thus, we find the segments of activity of special machines, lathes, milling machines, machining, grinding machines machines of chemical processes, tronzadoras and drilling centres,

And, on the other hand, in the sector of the deformation and they are segments of mechanical presses, punching machines, hydraulic presses, bending, folding, and shears.

What is it meant by industrial design?

When asked what mean by industrial design in machine tools, have been highlighted the following aspects:

While a large majority of respondents understand that it is a discipline which helps improve the perception of the quality of the machines and the image of the company, a substantial percentage believed that industrial design must adapt the machines to market costs.

These data, confronted with the reality experienced daily, suggest that the interpretation of the word design makes further reference to the achievement of the primary functions of the product, the more tangible, more mechanical, design as intangible motivations, of which should be impregnated with most advanced products.

Other data of the survey is the fact that in this sector are integrated as if they were a whole, without separation, industrial design and engineering, while 55 percent of respondents, understands that the industrial design encompasses an activity of engineering which aims the improvement of systems and mechanical subsystems that they constitute the machine.

The picture is complemented with a 50 per cent of respondents who considered that the activity of the industrial design must go looking for the introduction of new technologies and patents.

Key attributes of the industrial design

Before the identification of the fundamental attributes of the industrial design and its prioritization, obtained the following conclusions: the industrial design should differentiate from the competition (95 percent), improving functional aspects (95 percent), increase sales (95 percent)taking into account that this order is contrasted by a rating of 70 per cent, 60 per cent and 50 per cent, respectively.

These data are consistent with the valuation made in the previous point and each other, because the ultimate goal of the contribution of the design must be the improvement of sales.

The attributes related to improvements in the system of production that can bring the industrial design and its contribution to the reflections on the market or customer needs reflect a certain decrease of its importance with 75 per cent of respondents, and relegated its priority to 25 per cent places it in second place and a 30 per cent lie them in third place, respectively.

In short, it can be said that the views that reflects the survey corroborate expressed on the use first impression that industrial design make the companies in the machine tool sector, most linked to primary functions, traditionally not well resolved. To the extent that they give for granted, would emerge a design more directed to enhance intrinsic, intangible values of the company, as part of the soul of the same and that security will be differentiating.

The small size of the companies in the sector in Spain is another factor that limits to have broader horizons.

Other attributes of the industrial design

As for other attributes of the industrial design, the following responses have been:
  • 100 Per cent identified the considerations of the ergonomics and safety in the field of industrial design.
  • The 95 per cent related compliance with regulations and aspects of innovation as the incorporation of new materials allocated to the environment of the industrial design.
  • The 90 per cent has an impact on the industrial design brings improvements in the aesthetic aspects and creates synergies towards other products of the company.
  • The 85 percent associated the need for industrial design consider the eco design as an important factor in the sector.
  • It is clear that the physical aspects that provide the machines, are of great importance, and as is reflected in the numbers, but it shows that not given the same importance to intangible considerations which those aspects to be accompanied.

The industrial design as a discipline that improves the image

  • 100 Per cent of respondents recognized that the industrial design influences and improves the image of the company's brand.
  • The 95 per cent considered that further industrial design influences and improves the company image and the perception of the quality of the product.

Despite these responses, it will later highlight in the study appearing in the specification rarely aspects of image, which are relegated to the departments business and focused mainly towards the making of the catalogues of products.

The traditional separation of responsibilities between the commercial departments (communication of brand and company image) and r & d, or technical offices (product image), it makes that they treat different forms with the consequent lack of uniformity and consistency.

These data that contains the survey, with practical unanimity among respondents, are a good basis to think that the introduction with some force of industrial design in the sector is question of a few years ago.

Experience in industrial design

The 95 per cent of respondents said experience in industrial design. Keep in mind that they are referring to what has been understood as industrial in the section design in which at least first, 50 per cent of respondents understood it as the set of all activities carried out in the conception and development of products, and therefore consider industrial designers, the draughtsmen designers and other technicians of the r & d departments.

The 75 per cent acknowledged having worked with external designers, describing the experience as good a 45 per cent, regulate a 25 per cent and bad a 5 per cent.

Within this relationship with external industrial designers, the types of service that more appreciate, are:

A 65 percent appreciates the contribution to the generation of concepts

A 75 per cent rate configuration formal and constructive proposals

A 50 v welcomed the intervention in the industrialization

Against these data is the statement by the companies themselves, on the way in which projects have worked most prominent in recent years, in which mostly declares having internally developed industrial design. On the other hand, the true data internal deficiency in template designers, puts somewhat challenged the conviction that the benefits are expressed that should report the industrial design. It is also true that a significant percentage of surveyed enterprises has worked with external industrial designers and the results, not especially well rated, it makes this kind of collaboration is conducted so erratic, timely, situation that is aggravated by the deep cycles that periodically the sector is undergoing.

Difficulties for the incorporation of industrial design
The 35 per cent of respondents highlighted the existence of difficulties in the incorporation of industrial design, focused on the companies of greater size (75 percent).

The causes identified for the existence of this problem are:

• Product not of applied industrial design, 14.3 per cent.

• Lack of activity, 28.6 per cent.

• Mistrust in the activity, 28.6 per cent.

• Bad experience, 28.6 per cent.

• Lack of structure, 28.6 per cent.

Despite these data are the larger companies that have a greater knowledge of the positive contributions of the industrial design, or at least find a limit their abilities and feel the need to seek help to achieve a further step in the improvement of the perception of the quality of their products.

Input and help of industrial designers

Collaboration with industrial designers provide the following:

• 85 Per cent of respondents say that such collaboration brings new ideas.

• 65 Per cent appreciated that he helps knowledge of new methodologies.

• The 30% appreciates that it helps to improve the Organization of product development.

While we do not disagree these data in your order, it could be said that when a team of design fits in the form of the company it is used with more importance of the declared in the internal improvement of the Organization, as it should be interlocutor between departments and persons which are not always the harmony and communication that should be expected. The external Designer acts as a lubricating oil avoiding friction and making partner.

Product development procedures

• 80 Per cent of respondents say that there is some system of management of the development of products in the company.

• 75 Percent recognizes that development, usually associating it with the procedures defined in the company's quality system is procedimentado.

• Also the 75 per cent stated that product development is planned.


• 90 Per cent of respondents say that the process of developing machines, this articulated by a specification.

In this list of conditions involved the following departments of the company:

• 90 Per cent of the time involved the r & d or the technical Office.

• 75 Percent speaking the address.

• 65 Per cent involved the Sales Department, or the marketing.

• 55 Percent involved production.

• The 10 per cent of the times has directly with customers.

With these results, we wonder: why the departments that can better define the intangible aspects are less involvement in the definition of the specifications? Does not it the direction bit intervene? Does airing adequately the opinion of the customer through the business of the company?. These questions lead us to consider that there is a poor involvement of all departments in the definition of the specifications, at a time that is very much appreciates the multifunctionality of the process of design and product development.

Integration of industrial designers

The 65 percent of respondents said that integrates industrial designers in the team, and a 55 per cent of them noted that they do from the start of the project.

Aspects that are considered in the specifications

The specification includes the following aspects, with the corresponding percentages:
  • The 90 per cent of the time are defined the objectives of the project, and standards to be met.
  • The 75 percent reflected the price levels that fit the machine, and the communication policy, together with the requirements of materials, safety, ergonomic and environmental aspects to be considered.
  • The 70 per cent of cases reflects the type of user that will run the machine and the motivations of purchase of the buyer.
  • The 55 per cent of the lists captures the features of the competition
  • Also the image that must transmit the machines appears in 50 per cent.

The different percentages for the participation of the different departments in the definition of a list of conditions that is observed after the analysis of the survey, are consistent with the data that are collected in the daily activity of DZ. Therefore, data on image are poor to transmit, the company's philosophy, intangible values of the competition, which is should claim to achieve differentiation, etc. Our observation has an impact on the need to achieve a total participation, always collect information on which is questioned in the survey, to have more guarantees for a product to the market.

As regards the early integration of industrial designers in the process, discuss that Yes it may be true in the Group of companies which declares in his latest projects have had external collaborators, not being logically valid for the vast majority who did not do so. This brings us to again assume the mixture of the concept of pure industrial design with the engineering of internal design of the company.

Means that companies have

  • There is a Department of r & d or technical office in 100 per cent of the surveyed companies.
  • The 30 per cent of the cases argues that there is an industrial designer in its internal structure. (Usually refer to the draughtsmen designers that make the functions of industrial design).

Description of the leaders of the market and its performance

The world of machine tools, can be understood by the different attitudes and orientations of the first three countries in the sector, represented by Japan, USA, and Germany.
apón stands out for the image of high-tech machines, use space and the interpretation of the service to the client. (UNITED STATES)UU., represents the great commercial and productive power that possesses in itself. Germany offers a further humanization of the job and a technology adapted to the client.

In general these leaders present their machines with a very clean aesthetics, giving sensation of cleaning and innovation and creating pleasant environments for the operator.

Also stand out by having complementary products or services of added value, ranging from machines customized or special forms of financing. The size of many companies, allowing them to access innovative technologies or further development of business inter-coastal collaborations can highlight.

Note a special perspective of the leaders in regards to the communication policy, as they give more importance to the events of the sector and to sell company's image to the presentation of the product itself. In addition to talking about productivity of the machine, at all times refer to the process of manufacture of each client and stand out in particular the flexibility of the machines for each layout.

Leading companies have a much more dynamic web pages. In addition to presenting their machines they have other services, being one of them software solutions.

Competition that stands out for its design of machines

In the boot sector of chip stand out: DMG, Mecoff, Emag, Index, Mori-seiki, Mazak, Landis, Studer, Kasto, eta Fidia Tschudin. In the subsector of the electro erosion highlights Agie, by their very compact machines.

On the deformation, Trumph, Muller, Schuler, Beyeler, Salvagnini.

This set of selected companies emphasize clearly to DMG as undisputed leader in terms of quality, uniformity and the spirit of the message that conveys the implementation of the industrial design in their machines. AGIE in the world of the electro-erosión, and Trumph on deformation of sheet would be at a level similar to DMG, but despite the difficulty of seeking different ways, getting unique elements that distinguish them.

Competition that stands out for its brand image

Generally consulted companies highlight in a manner similar to the large companies in the sector, both for its design, and brand image.

Return to prominence for its brand image in the boot sector of chip,: Mecoff, DMG, EMAG, Index, Mori-seiki, Mazak, Landis, Studer, Kasto, Tschudin eta Fidia, to which are added other companies such as Waldrich, Toyoda, Schlefring, Makino, Chiron.

In the deformation, return to highlight the great; Trumph, Muller, Schuler, Beyeler, Salvagnini, and they incorporate other examples of company that stand out for their brand, such as: Finn-power, SMG, Weingarten, Aida, BLM, gem.

Knowledge of the market

90 Per cent of respondents claims to meet the needs of the market. To issue this statement, they recognize that there is no ability to anticipate the market, but they remain behind the actions of the leaders.

Knowledge of the competition

  • 50 Per cent of the respondents know closely to their real competition
  • 20 Per cent know the means of production of its competence.
  • 55 Per cent know the business strategy of your competition.

Comparison with the leader

  • 85 Per cent of respondents known trends that define the leaders and their differences with respect to him.

Comparison with the competition

  • 95 Per cent of respondents know the differences of its products over its competition.

Comparison of attributes over the competition

The following table which explores the products of the companies consulted in comparison with its most direct competition has been obtained.

You can highlight the impact of the price of the machines that in 75 per cent of the surveyed companies are better positioned than its competition.

  • In 80 per cent of the cases is identified with a service customer better or equal than its competition.
  • 70 Percent of the time the design of the machines is better or equal to the competition.
  • In 65 per cent of the cases is only better or equal in terms of perceived quality.

If you look now exclusively in the valuations of better positioning, we will see that it is the price which takes greater weight in the advantage over competitors. This data can represent a weakness in the other differential aspects, presupposing shortcomings, and indicating a situation of danger in times in which the economic cycle is in recession. Who have other arguments of sale of weight, will supposedly be in a better position to face years of crisis and in the bonanza will be more valued, and you can accept higher prices to those who do not offer differentiating characteristics of service or perception of quality

Attributes to pass to be competitive

Companies define a set of attributes that should stress to be more competitive, the results of the surveys are as follows:

  • 44% Reliability
  • Value for money 22 %
  • Improve the design so that it reflects the quality of the machine 17 %
  • Image of technology, distinguished from the competition 17 %
  • Robust 17 %
  • 11% Service
  • Productivity 6 %
  • Machine 6% operatividad-manejabilidad
  • Stiffness 6 %
  • Durability 6 %
  • Precision 6 %
  • 6% Life
  • Guarantee 6 %
  • Expectation 6 %
  • Creativity 6 %
  • Yield 6 %
  • 6 Per cent recognition

These data and in which the industrial design affects emphasize as intangible, non-measurable attributes the apparent robustness, image technology, the perceived quality of the machines, creativity, etc., acquiring high valuations, which if they agrupasen would add to more than 50 percent of respondents. This again leaves glimpse the need of tools enabling them to potential clients become more credibility on their good products, that it is deemed to be inherently a high average quality products sector.

Evaluation of certifications

Only 65% of the polls has highlighted the importance in the sector of quality certifications and environmental.

Related Companies or Entities

DMG Mori Ibérica, S.L.U.
Intermaher, S.A.

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