
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La ingeniería concurrente permite crear una máquina exprimidora mejor
Solid Edge Makes possible to Zumex optimise the development of new products

The concurrent engineering allows to create a machine exprimidora better

Editorial Interempresas30/05/2014
Zumex Commercialises his products in more than 80 countries and plants his products no only in big chains of catering like Starbucks or VIPS, but also in corporate cafés of companies so prestigious as for example Apple and Facebook. With more than 25 years of experience in the processed of fruit and vegetables and development of machines exprimidoras, his central headquarters is in Valencia.

The software Solid Edge of Siemens PLM software, provider of solutions for the management of the cycle of life of the product allows to Zumex take intelligent decisions to manufacture better products; in this case, machines exprimidoras for industrial and particular use. “We head to customers Premium, so it is very important to keep the requirement in all our commercial processes, productive and of design”, explains Eloy Smith, director of Marketing of Zumex. “Our aim is to offer the best product to the most demanding customers”.

The company has a wide presence in the market. “Zumex Has a quota of market of 50% to world-wide level”, affirms Smith. The creative matrix of the company finds in the staff of 65 employees of the headquarters of Valencia, in which they develop the new products putting the emphasis in the final user. For Antoni Flotats, director of Innovation and Development, the cultural change in the way to develop products is an essential element to explain the success of Zumex: “To the start of a project work mainly on three concepts; context of use, functional and technician, separately, for afterwards integrate the and reflect the in the technical and aesthetic design”.

Flotats Thinks that the use of the technologies of the information is indispensable for the creation of innovative products: “The tools advanced of design allow us develop the product from the start according to these three main concepts, together and concurrentemente with other departments, to visualise jointly until where can arrive, and adapt us to the concrete needs of our customers”.

Zumex Has created a machine exprimidora entirely new, with an a lot lower size, more versatil and compact...
Zumex Has created a machine exprimidora entirely new, with an a lot lower size, more versatil and compact, with a new and patented technology of squeezed, of lower cost and with a revolutionary design.

The design 3D opens the door to the innovation

Zumex Was one of the pioneering companies of his sector in testing the tools of design 3D. The company purchased his first licence of Solid Edge in 1998 and soon turned into a fundamental element to the hour to develop machines of squeezed increasingly innovative. “The product approaches increasingly to the industrial product, with connotations of Appliance. They increase the contexts of use, the functionalities, the quality of the technical and aesthetic design, consistently incorporate more pieces of plastic or of metal, injected, and these evolutions do that a tool 3D was indispensable”, explains Antoni.

In the year 2013, Zumex proposes create an entirely new machine, with an a lot lower size (50%), more versatility (60%), more compact (Less Pieces 65%), with a new and patented technology of squeezed, of lower cost and with a revolutionary design, between an Industrial Product and a Product Home, for what decides to bet of full by the design 3D. It is then when the company expands the number of licences of Solid Edge and incorporates the last advances of the solution, like the synchronous technology. The relation quality-price of the tool and the hygiene to have the backrest of a so solid company like Siemens and of a Partner like ProCue, were decisive to the hour to trust Solid Edge. “They presented us a very attractor trucks offer and the PLM of Siemens was very consolidated in the zone Valencia. For us it was fundamental to have a technical support near by his implication and commitment with the company”, comments Flotats.

In few days, Zumex implanted 5 licences of Solid Edge with the help of the specialists of the Group Procue, partner of Siemens PLM Software. “The implantation was quite simple. They already handled the software, by what only realizar a small learning focused to take out the maximum benefit of the new functionalities of the program”, remembers Ignacio Colomer, consultor of ProCUE.

Quickly did evident that Solid Edge was the ideal platform that went to allow to Zumex facilitate the cultural change and focus his processes of development to the creation of products increasingly innovative and competitive. “One of our milestones is to go approaching the product to a reality of market that goes changing conceptually very quickly, that sues machines smaller and visualmente attractor trucks to integrate in the contexts of use and functionalities. Solid Edge Does indispensable when you have to conceptualise the product putting special sensitivity in the contexts of use, the functionalities and the design, since it allows you see how will work the machine”, ensures Smith.

Solid Edge Allows to validate the concepts so much from the point of view of marketing like technicians
Solid Edge Allows to validate the concepts so much from the point of view of marketing like technicians.

Solid Edge Revolutionises the culture and the way to work of Zumex

After the implantation of the Solid Edge of Siemens, Zumex has modified of an important way the culture and the form to conceptualise and develop his products. The engineers of the company begin working concurrentemente with marketing on the contexts of use, the functionalities and technological solutions, for afterwards integrate the aesthetic dimension that reflect the 3 previous concepts.

“Solid Edge Has allowed us do a cultural change, generate big quantity of ideas, contexts of use, functionalities and technical that prototipamos of a fast way, simple and low cost, for afterwards go integrating the best ideas in the technical and aesthetic design, ” explains Flotats. “Solid Edge Allows us validate the concepts so much from the point of view of marketing like technicians, step by step, and guarantees us that the final product goes to fulfil the expectations”.

Eloy Smith: “The use of Solid Edge has been a big help to reduce time. When testing the machines to fatigue, the breaks coincided exactly with what indicated finite elements”

Fruit of this cultural change arises Soul, the new machine of Zumex that combines the mechanisms of squeezed more innovative with an own aesthetics of an appliance of design. The advertising of Soul defines it like the result to want to keep a go past. Soul Is the evolution, the attainment to achieve the best results with the lower possible space, able to squeeze oranges, files and lemons with a wide range of calibrate. Natural innovation designed to do his easier life.

Soul Is product of the intense collaboration between the division of engineering and the department of marketing. “With Solid Edge, can visualise each one of the developments, the contexts of use, of the functionalities and technology, and give our opinion, that is very important for the department of marketing”, ensures Flotats. “Besides, the file in 3D that generates the tool serves us to present the machine so much to internal level, as commercially even before it was manufactured”.

Flotats Designates this coordination between departments ‘Micro Steps Market-Engineering', and considers it one of the main profits derived of the implementation Solid Edge. “In other companies, the equipment of engineering and marketing work independently, whereas we do it of form very open and concurrent” comments Flotats. “With the design 3D, the department of marketing understands more the machine, can see the complexity of the system and imagine the integrated technical concepts to the design and the technicians understand more the functionalities and the contexts of use. It allows us join the technological and commercial interests.”

Solid Edge To develop products of a flexible way, fast and cheap

Zumex Also takes advantage of the flexibility and capacity of visualisation of Solid Edge to re-create the context of use of his machines exprimidoras. Smith stands out the advantages to present to the customer a specifically adapted product to his surroundings: “Have machines in supermarkets, airports, bars, in the private company… Are a company that understands to our final user and with the help of Solid Edge no only do the product but materialisation the context, which allows us offer a perfect machine for his surroundings. Our proposal is no only listen to the market, also is to thrill to users, for enjoying of a juicer premium.”

By his part, Flotats does upsetting in the saving of costs and in the improvement of the productivity that has supposed to work with Solid Edge: “We orient the tool to speed up the phase of conceptualización to base to validate concepts very simple and separately, of a fast form and low cost. This allows a reduction of the time of development in 50%, because thanks to Solid Edge already go with a totally clear-cut concept and validated. Like this we avoid changes during the project and especially of last hour that drive to delays and increase the price”.

Antoni Flotats: “Solid Edge allows a reduction of the time of development in 50%”

Also underlines the saving of time in the back phases to the conceptualización, the phases of technical development and especially the saving of proportionate time by the module of finite elements of the solution: “The use of Solid Edge has been a big help to reduce time. When testing the machines to fatigue, the breaks coincided exactly with what indicated finite elements. Has a brutal precision and this saves long, to apart from giving a lot of greater visibility to realizar the improvements”.

So only a year after implanting Solid Edge, Zumex will begin to commercialise his more ambitious machine, Soul, while his division of engineering finds immersed in the creation of new products. The results have been so positive that Flotats no descarta expand the licences of Solid Edge in the future.

“What looked for was a tool that allowed us work a lot the abstraction of concepts. We need to materialise and validate concepts of a very fast form and precise to arrive to the phase of technical development, with 95% of the Briefing of the clear-cut product, an aim that have attained with Solid Edge”, concludes Antoni Flotats.

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